Rising Cultivation

Depuis le début

Calm as he could be, despite his rage at the world's constant effort to drive him down for no good reason at all, he held his position. Even knowing his Shidi was likely safe, Shun would not abandon the boy. Whatever fate held in store for the two of them, even if Xu Shirong turned on him in the end and suppressed him as the prophecy claimed, he would not abandon his Shidi.

He slammed through the wall of white, its strands ripping at him and tangling around him. If he'd been human, it might have succeeded. Half-demon that he was, half-snake demon that he was, his body simply twisted in turn, sliding past the strands a little at a time.

Until he fell through the hole his serpent form created and crashed into a huge and elegantly appointed throne room. Right on top of his Shidi.


It took a minute or so before Shun recovered enough to crawl off fake Shirong. Another minute before his fellow disciple did more than sit up and stare blankly. Then, at last, the boy said, "Oh Gods.... Shun? Is that you?"

Who else would it be? Shun was about to express his irritation when he realized his body looked nothing at all like it ought to. Up until now he'd never used his demonic powers to shape-change. He'd no idea what he'd look like in his serpent form. He tried to talk. Failed. His mouth wasn't built for human speech.

Shun's vision was entirely new to him. The decorations looked like they should resemble a royal chamber, with bright red lacquer and shining gold. Instead everything either had a blue-green cast or was completely black. No, wait, there was another color coming into focus. Not red, or even gold, but a pale glittering rainbow-tint that sparkled elegantly through every surface.

Shifting himself so he could examine his new shape, Shun wasn't sure if he was impressed or aggravated with Shirong Shidi. Shun was entirely, completely and totally a snake. How could the foolish boy tell the thing that'd floored him was his Shixiong?

He had a peculiar dark shade running along his scales. It shifted, as if changing color as he moved, its shade reminding him of certain types of butterflies. He was also quite large, a startling feeling for someone accustomed to being the smallest adult in the room. Feeling something against his tail, he twisted round and saw he'd knocked two heavily armored guards back against the wall, his coils pinning them there.

Unable to speak to apologize, all he could do was pull himself into better order. He coiled, setting his head on the top coil and glared at his Shidi. Could he communicate like this? He'd a feeling the answer was 'no', simply because he was too young and inexperienced to work out the correct means.

Shirong Shidi stared into his face. "It is you. I'd know that disgusted look anywhere."

Really? That was how the silly fool's mind operated? Shun considered his Shidi's worried face and sighed, or rather hissed. He couldn't talk, but could he project his thoughts some other way? Like whatever it was that'd tried to keep him out of this place? He focused, glaring into Shirong Shidi's eyes.

He was, indeed, Shu Shun. His Shidi had gone missing and he - as senior brother - was responsible for finding him. By chance or good fortune, he'd guessed the transfer had happened in the moment when Shirong Shidi had passed through the auction house portal and had attempted to follow.

"I'm glad you're here. I wasn't at all sure what I should do." Cautiously, clearly unsure how Shun would react, yet driven to do it, Shirong Shidi reached out to touch him. "Your scales are so soft. So pretty."

Heaven's Golden FingerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant