The miserable mill

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"Look Sunny another one." She squealed in excitement watching a squirrel scurry up a tree. It paused at the sound and watched them.

Sunny smiled along with Selena clapping her hands and squealing as well.

"Well, we are almost out of the woods." Violet said from ahead of the star struck nature lovers. But they didn't know they were far from it.

"As much as I'd like to stay awhile longer you're right." Selena says catching up with the two Baudelaires.

They made their way over another hill but stopped surprised to find a big metal wall surrounding the property. The place looked trashed beyond repair. Things lay on the ground discarded, old, burnt and deteriorated.

"The neighbourhoods buzzing with positive energy." Selena mumbled to herself.

"Tell me about it." Sunny agreed.

They approached the end of the street and there the Baudelaires and Strauss compared the picture and saw Lucky Smells Lumber mill. Well, it was behind a big ominous gate with warning signs about trespassers, but it wasn't touched or diminished by the supposed fire that likely happened.

"How welcoming." Selena said out loud.

Klaus couldn't help but smile at her comical commentary.
"It looks like there was a fire here."

"Everything's gone." Violet said.

"Not everything. Lucky Smells Lumbermill."

"The only thing standing between us and our parents secrets-" Violet started

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"The only thing standing between us and our parents secrets-" Violet started.

"Is an enormous wall." Klaus finished.

They all stared at it in wonder not knowing if they should enter or stay where they were.

"We won't find out what's behind there by just standing around here now will we." Selena said piped up with a positive attitude. They sighed knowing she was right.

Violet took out her signature red ribbon and tied her hair.

"I bet I could invent a catapult to get us over." She said looking around at the burnt junk on the ground.

"I've read about walls. The wall of Jerico, the Great Wall Of China." Klaus spoke.

"All I need is a lever, a counterweight and a very large spoon." Violet said thoughtfully.

"Guys I don't think all that would be nec-"

"Pink Floyd's The Wall. Although mother wouldn't let me watch the movie." Klaus said.

Selena sighed and placed Sunny carefully in a nearby wheelbarrow. They were so caught up on their thoughts, but were broken out of them by the sound of her pushing open the gate.

"Or the simplest option would be to open the gate." She said chuckling.

They looked at the sign on the inside of the gate. It said 'Warning-trespassers will be put to work.'.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora