Part 3

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Nyx-So this is Stark Tower I say looking around the huge living area...

Peter-Yeah its pretty cool I guess.....

Nyx-So where is Tony...

Peter-Mr. Starks probably in his lab...I can show you to it...

Nyx-I stole the blueprints I know where it is...

I make my way down the hallways to the stairs and go down to his lab...I hear someone behind me...

Peter-I'll um come with you just in case..

Peter says as he runs up next to me...

I walk over to the glass doors and peer in the lab and enter Tony's code in the system...The door clicks open..

Peter-What..How did y....

The door shuts as I walk in and leave Peter outside the door...I turn and wave him away....He walks away with a disappointed look on his face...

Tony-Smart girl...

Nyx-So I know you said we would talk more tomorrow but I really wanted to get a jump start on it you know....

Tony rolls his chair over to where I'm sitting on the counter...

Tony-Ok what is it...

Nyx-Well I noticed when I have certain emotions the weather almost matches it...Then sometimes I can call the wind to me and rocks but its only when I am mad....I want to learn to use these so I can help you and become a Avenger...I want to help people...

Tony-Well kid I don't know if your ready to be a Avenger that a very dangerous task and we would really need to channel your powers to learn to be able to control those emotions enough to actually be able to use it...Its a lot of work...

Nyx-I need this I want to help people please Tony....

Tony-I'll help you but you have to promise to not leave the tower once people find out you can hack into our system's they will be after you...

Nyx-Well if I die I don't have a family to worry about me so I have nothing to lose....

I say with tears starting to form in my eyes...

Tony-Hey..Hey kid come on we can be your family....

I smile at him...He quickly changes the subject....

Tony-So your a pretty smart kid how would you like to help me make you a suit....


Tony-I mean if your going to be a Avenger you might as well dress the part...

I jump down from the table and give him a hug....I quickly let go of the hug....

Nyx-Uh sorry...

Tony-Kid lets design this suit..

He says patting my shoulder.....

----Flash Forward 2 hours----

Nyx-Lets make it all black with blue details...

Tony-With a little bit of gold here.....

Nyx-Its perfect...I don't want it yet though..

He looks at me confused..


Nyx-I'm not a Avenger yet I want to wait until I can actually control my powers I want to save the fun for when I'm ready..

Tony-Suit yourself....

Nyx-I'm going to get some food you want to come with me....

Tony-No kid I'm fine you go I have to finish somethings up here.

I walk out of the lab and back into the kitchen area and see Peter of the couch.... He looks sad....

Nyx-What's your problem Spidy Boy....

He shoots up real quick and wipes a tear from his face...

Peter-Oh nothing....

I know not to push it so I just walk into the living room and sit down next to him...

Peter-You uh want to watch a movie...

Nyx-Sure you can pick it....

Peter pulls out the movie Finding Nemo...He puts in the movie player and sits down next to me...We don't talk at all during the movie until he says something that catches me off guard...

Peter-I hope this doesn't sound rude don't answer if you don't want to but why do you live on the street...

Nyx-I don't know the answer to that....

Peter-Oh sorry for asking...

I look back at the TV..I hate that question....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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