Part 1

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"SHOOO YOU LITTLE RAT GET OUT OF HERE" yells the little old Asian lady with the broom as she chases me out of the store. I run into the alley way and hide behind some boxs.... I shift back into myself...Stealing is so much easier when you can be a animal and alot less illegal.....I walk out of the alleyway eating the chocolate bar...I stroll over to the local library and pop down in front of one of the computers... I insert a hard drive stick and hack back into Starks data and a little there a little here and I now have Mr.Bomb pops whole file....Its like steal candy from a baby...I grab my hard drive stick and walk out the door and wave at the librarian...

Librarian-Bye Nyx please be safe.....

Nyx-I'll try Glen...

I say as I wave and walk out of the store with a grin on my face I put my hood up and star walking back to my alley way...


Tony- I called you all here as you know are data has started to disapear...

Clint-WOAH, WOAH did you just say all the data has started to disapear it cann't just disapear thats not how that works 

I ignore the comment and side comments and continue talking..

Tony-Now someone has been hacking the system on a library computer and just today they took Caps entire file and all your personal information....

Steve-Hold on my whole file with every thing...

Steve starts pacing around the room...

Tony-Whoever is behind this has now stole Steves, Bruces, Mine, Clints, and Peters entire file and I mean everything...Yesterday I put tracker bugs in all the computers hard drive socket to see if we can track whoever this is.... I need everyone here on deck for this mission this person could be extremly dangerous and we don't know what they are going to do with this data...

Steve-Lets get this Bastard..


I sit on top of the dumpster in form of a cat and bath in the hot sun...

I hid the hard drive in the dirt .... In a pile of crap that I had made just for it...

I knew the 'Adventures' would be coming for them soon might as well make this a fun experiense for all of them...Speaking of the Devils here comes Tin Man now...I stay roll over and lay on the Dumpster so I can watch this...Oh he brought everyone....

Tony-Search the area if they are here they will want to watch this go down...

Everyone but him SpidyBoy and Hulky stay...

Wow he's so smart.....The Spiderdude starts to walk over to me....

Peter-Tony Look a Kitty..I'm going to touch it...

Yeah thats not happening as he gets closer I start to hiss at him....

Tony-Get away from the cat Peter....

Yeah get away from the cat Peter I mock Tony I jump up to the ledge of the fire stairs for the building next to me...

Bruce- It says the disk are over here.... he says as he gets closer he come to my masterpeice I left them.....

Tony-Get it then...

Bruce- Can I get gloves or something....

Tony- Just pick them up its just a little dirt...

Bruce- Peter come get the disk....

Peter- Oka....Wow nope not doing it...

Tony-Oh my Go....Omg this little Bastard....

I laugh to myself and eventually fall off the railing...Smooth one there Nyx... I land on all four but that gets the attention of the three guys...

Tin Man starts to walk over to me I hiss a little but he still continues to walk to me...Really dude I am trap up in the corner and I have no where to go....

Tony-You are a odd cat aren't you...

He says looking at my bright purple eyes..Thats the only down fall all my forms have the most outlandish eyes..I shift into a snake and sliter unter the dumpster....

Bruce- Found the baster 

Under the dumpster I shift into a mouse and book it to the drain...

Before I make it Mr.Bomb Pop picks me up....Shit...

Steve-Got him..

I bite his hand he drops me and I ran down the street I turn into a alleyway and shift back to my cat form...I look to see if the coast is clear but before I run someone grabs me...They throw me into a bag and into a car...I can here talking..

Clint-Who do you think they are....

Tony-Your guess is as good as mine..

Clint-What if we go the wrong one..

Steve-The wrong shape shifter that was right next to the hard drives..

Someone picks me up and starts to poke...I start to hiss but before I can Tin Man says something...

Tony-Peter put the bag down before it gets out in the car...

I hear a sigh and I am sat down again..I try to shapeshift into a something but my scar just hurts really bad and it wont work...I start to hiss and scratch the bag...

Bruce-Calm down you powers wont work in the bag its indestructible....

I get picked up again and we start to move up....I Black up out as soon as I see the light....

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