Chapter 1

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Author POV:

Growing up Boomer didn't have many friends he would talk too. He was more of a quiet kid, the type to mind his own business or not be around crowded people.

Sure there were moments he felt lonely and bored, but growing up with barely any parents around, he got pretty used to the loneliness and unloved feeling.


One day he saw a redhead little boy playing by the playground with a few other kids. Boomer just looked from afar while he read a book he got from his father. He had no intention to say 'Hi' or 'Can I play with you guys?'

Nope. Nothing.

That is, until the redhead boy walked over to him to ask if he like to play with them. The loneliness feeling slowly went away by the years as Brick made him feel more included and part of the group.

They were best friends before they knew it and always had each other's back when there was a problem. Boomer went to Bricks home so often, that Boomer practically knew everyone in Brick's home, the only person he barely talked to was Brick's younger sister.

There were small waves here and there when Boomer and Butch came over to play video games with Brick or small bumps when Boomer went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
The conversation barely lasted more than 10 seconds because it'll become awkward or Bubbles left to do something.

Brick never suspected something between the two, because Boomer wasn't too much into dating or when he did date, it only lasted for a week or two. Plus his sister was too young to date Bricks eyes she was too young to date.

Brick knew he could trust his best friend, his bro, his best pal, his comrade, his amigo.
So after they had finished college, he had no insecurities or concerns when asking Boomer if he could watch over his baby sister when she began college.

Brick knew how crazy a person can get when entering college so he needed Boomer to check up on her regularly once he left to France for the job opportunity.

Bubbles didn't like the idea of still being treated as a child and had a huge argument with his brother yet Brick won at the end.

When Brick left early for France, Boomer ended up helping Bubbles move into her dorm and tried to make small conversations in the car ride, but it only made things more awkward when Bubbles barely spoke back.

But Boomer kept his promise when Brick left, He kept checking up on Bubbles a least three times a day after he left work. He would find Bubbles either reading, doing homework or eating with her roommate.

It was one day when he didn't see her inside her dorm, he shrugged it off, thinking she's probably hanging out with friends, but her roommate spoke and that's what stopped Boomer from leaving the dorm.

After scolding her for late partying, Bubbles argued back that he was not her brother and he couldn't stop her. It was true, he wasn't her brother, but he had promised Brick that never will happen to his younger sister .

But Bubbles continued going to different parties to the point Boomer had enough of Bubbles lies or disrespectful behavior, he had decided to follow her one day.

Boomer remembered the party being extremely popular and loud. He felt he was never going to find her by himself and stopped by the kitchen every few seconds of searching for her to get a cold glass of water because of how hot the place seemed to be.

Maybe it was the attractive lady who stopped in front of him to talk to him about how lame the party was or maybe he had poured himself the wrong drink, but he felt extremely dizzy and uncomfortable, all he could hear was the sound of the loud music playing in the background and a familiar voice yelling out in anger.

He doesn't remember anything that happened that night, he just remembers waking up the next morning with a painful headache and a empty spot next to his naked body on the unknown bed.

Boomer was ready to dash, to leave, to disappear from this room. He didn't want to see who had slept with the night before.

But when the bathroom door opened to the bedroom, he didn't expect to see his best friend's sister.

There she stood, in her undergarments.

Looking back at Boomer in humiliation.

After a few seconds of silence, they both had a conversation they agreed on. They decided to act as if nothing happened that night, to act as if everything was back to normal.

But.. after a month later...

Both stood inside Boomer's apartment, Bubbles holding onto a pregnancy test and Boomer at the point of fainting. He took a deep breath before yelling out the first thought inside his head.

"You're pregnant?!?"


To Be Continued

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