"You're staring" Niall said suddenly appearing behind me. "You should tell her how you feel"  

I smiled sheepishly at him "I can't. What if she doesn’t feel the same way?" I was so worried that I was not what she was looking for and that would be devastating and I would also lose a friend.

"Well mate," he patted me on the back and handed me a drink "Stand here like a stalker and total psycho and you’ll never find out." I sighed and he knew that he had a point.

He left walking over to Zayn, him and Hazel trying to not look at each other so that rumours don't start. I saw Louis sprawled on the couch with a couple I had never met before making out next to him.

"If you take a step back and look, it's like the midnight memories music video set,” I told him and he laughed.

"Except you don't want to leave do you?" he pointed at Alia "Cause she's here"

Did everyone know that I liked her? I downed the drink Niall gave me and felt the liquid burn a path to my stomach and I shook my head.

"Strong stuff?" Louis asked. I felt dizzy already.

"Yeah, its from Australia" Ashton appeared out of nowhere, he plopped a bandanna on my head and one on Louis

"My goal tonight is to make everyone wear one"

"Great party" Louis yelled from the couch

"And apartment" I added, glad that the boys were staying in England permantley.

"Got some smooching with guest to do” he said running of and it was clear he had some of that drink to.

I looked over at Alia.

She was leaning against a wall, both hands on Luke's arm and she looked up at him with a grin on her face. He was much taller then her and the music was loud so he leaned down their faces almost touching to listen to what she was saying. They were laughing and my head was bounding. Was it the alcohol, was it the music, and was I angry? I had no idea but I wasn’t thinking straight. She took that strand of hair and twirled in it her hands, the universal sign of flirting. He threw his head back and laughed at something she said and she smiled pleased he found her funny.  She reached up and tucked at his lip piercing and I felt my insides come unhinged. She looked around and spotted me from across the room and waved.  I glared back at her grabbing as many cup around me as I could and downing them before storming out not wanting anything to do with this anymore. I walked up trying to find the stairwell to the roof, I knew it, I knew she didn't feel the same way, but nobody would listen to me.

I found the stairs and bounded up them two at a time and my head felt light on my body as I walked. I reached the top and I could feel my finger tingling and everything was fuzzy and clear at the same time.

"Beautiful aren’t they?" I turned abruptly to find her standing behind me, her eyes cast to the sky as she watched the stars. A simple smile on her face.

"The brighter they get, the darker it gets. Ironic isn't it"

What are you doing here" I spat and she stared at me with hurt in her eyes. She shrugged her shoulders; "You looked upset so I followed"

"I'm fine" I seethed, and immediately wished I could take it back because the pain in her eyes caused a sting in my heart.

"What's going on with you dimples?" she asked as she walked towards me. I tried to back away but I was close to the edge and couldn’t move.  I knew as soon as she put her hands on mine the anger would dissipate because that touch alone could bring me back from my worse moods.

"You seemed to have better things to do in there with Luke, why don’t you go back?" I accused.

"What are you saying?" she asked, still advancing on my slowly.

"You were all over each other." she shook her head

"We’re just friends Harry. There's nothing going on,” she laughed.

"Well then you're a real friendly person aren't you? Is that how you treat all your friends?" I knew I had over stepped the line this time and that her fragile ever-giving heart would be hurt. She looked down at the ground and then glared back up at me

"It's not like you're my boyfriend, so why do you care?" She yelled. Hurt and anger in her words, she threw them at me like daggers.

"No, but I wish I was" I yelled and immediately shut my mouth; this is the second time in one day I stammered in front of her. How could she understand the way she took my breath away? How could she understand I got up early every morning so I could see her without make up on because she was beautiful, how could she understand that I was in love with her.

She was so close now and I could feel her confusion but maybe even hope?

It's now or never Harry, I told myself.

"I love you,” I whispered to her. The silence was deafening and I could feel my heart beat as it started drumming rapidly.

She looked up at me her eyes shining brighter then any star, it bore into mine before a small smile appeared on her face.

"I love you too" she placed her hand on my face, her fingers brushing my cheek

"You took your time telling me didn't you dimples" I leaned in and put my forehead on hers

"I love it when you call me that, I love your smile, I love your compassionate heart, I love your eyes and" I touched her cheek and then grabbed that strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear "I love that piece of hair."

"I love everything about you too dimples. Especially, the fact that there's no one, no one that makes me smile like you do"

I lifted her face and smiled as she got on her tiptoes to reach my lips. They was soft and immediately I was addicted to their intoxicated taste and her blackcurrant lip gloss. I pulled her as close as I could until there was no room between her and me.

She broke away from my lips, both of us breathless

"Yes" she said and I was confused "You can be my boyfriend,” she giggled. The fast paced drumming of my heart escalated, this was all I wanted

"I would love that" and I loved a lot of things at the moment and all of it was wrapped up in this beautiful girl in my arms. 


Hi Savvy, 

I hope you liked this, I'm sorry if it's shit. Thanks so much for requesting. If you're not happy with it don't hesitate to ask me to change it or even ask for another one. :D

Sorry for any errors, didnt get time for editing. 

Anyone else reading please vote and comment and request if you want one to :)

-Sonia xx 

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