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I watched as Niall and Hazel made out on the couch in front of me like I didn't even exist. I groaned, "Guys please stop,” I yelled chucking a pillow at them that Niall caught.

He chuckled "This is why I moved in here and you moved in next door mate, but somehow you both still end up here when you need food" Hazel beamed up at Niall while he spoke and I thought about how I wished Alia looked up at me like that. Just then she walked in from the kitchen with a plate in hand. Her brown hair pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head and one strand hung on the side of her face begging me to tuck it behind her ear but it was a privilege I didn't have. Her hazel eyes shone when she saw Niall poking Hazel’s cheek and she smiled when she giggled. She wanted nothing more then her band mates to be happy and she knew that nothing made Hazel more happy then Niall. 

"Come on Harry, Let's leave these two alone" I wasn't going to complain about being alone with her. 

"Stealing our food again" Hazel said getting up and giving Alia a tight squeeze. 
She looked over at me and we both started laughing.

"You kicked me out of my house so you both could be together and keep this" she said making a love heart with her fingers "a secret, so I think I'm owed some food"

I got up from the couch with Alia behind me and we left them to their own devices.

"You finished all the sandwiches" I yelled, she poked her head through her door

"Sorry, I was starving" I sighed and picked at the lettuce pieces that she had left behind.

She walked out with only a towel on, her wet hair wet and shiny.

"What're you looking at Styles?” she demanded and I realised I was staring, I felt heat rise in my cheeks and I scratched my neck


"Whatever, What do you think I should wear tonight" She asked. Talking about a party the 5SOS boys were throwing because they’re moving into a new house.

Alia's band One Thing had opened for the boys on their last concert before they became major superstars and I thought about how everything has come full circle.

She walked into her room and came back out with a blouse and a black dress in her arms.

"I dunno, you would look good with nothing on"


I stammered, did I just say that out loud?

"I mean, whatever you wear you'll look good, not that you wouldn’t look good naked. I mean I haven’t taught about that or anything, unless you want me to?" I asked with hope. She looked at me intensely and I felt a bead of sweat on my forehead and then she burst out laughing, clutching her stomach.

"What's gotten into you dimples?" I smiled weakly, You, I thought but instead I shook my head

"I’m hungry" I exclaimed. "The dress, you never wear dresses" She looked up at me and then nodded.

"I'll wear a dress just for you"


I watched her from across the room, her brown hair curled and pulled back with that one piece still touching her cheek. She battered her eyelashes and flashed a smile at Hazel. Hazel was definitely beautiful even model beautiful but when she stood next to Alia, it was not her perfect face that shone it was the mischief and humour in Alia's eyes that drew me in and her infectious laugh and kind heart that didn't let me go.

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