“Well, work starts tomorrow, all you have to do is to design the clothes, and for the haute couture dresses, you’ll have to help make those. Understood?”

“Understood, ma’am.” Lia said, feeling excitement rush through her.

“Good,” Elise smiled, as she stood straight. “Now, come to work at nine, alright?”

“Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity.”

Lia’s smile was wide as she left the establishment. Flos Solis was one of the best couture houses in the world, besides that, it enjoyed a whole load of success, because of the fact that they were also selling ready to wear items as well as haute couture dresses.

Her phone rang and she immediately answered, worry shooting through her when she saw Sophie’s name on the caller ID.

“Sophie, what’s wrong? Shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Well, it’s free period right now.” Sophie said, and Lia could tell that she was hesitant about something.

“Sophie, spit it out. What is it?”

“There are werewolves in school! And they know about me.”

Lia wasn’t quite surprised, though now it did mean that she had to go formally greet the Alpha and ask permission to stay on the land.

“Of course they do, dearie. They can smell you.” Lia chuckled.

“Yeah, but they’re so scary, Lia! They look like they could kill me, and they keep staring at me,” Lia could imagine Sophie quivering in some corner of the school, and she felt a sense of protectiveness course through her. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Sophie, calm down, alright?” She soothed. “I’ll be there in a while, and don’t even think of cutting any of your classes, do you understand me?”

Sophie mumbled her agreement.

“Just don’t talk to the wolves, avoid eye contact and don’t come near them, do you understand?” Lia warned. The last thing she had wanted at the moment was for her sister to find her mate, it’d be a happy moment, of course, but Sophie was barely ready for something like that.

A pang of guilt pierced her chest, who was she to say whether Sophie was ready or not?

“Just avoid them for now, okay, Sophie?” Lia instructed with a sigh. “I’ll be there, waiting for you after school.”

“Okay,” Sophie mumbled, still afraid.

Lia reluctantly hang up before heading to the coffee shop across the street. What she needed right now was a bit of coffee in her system.

She knew that there was a huge possibility that there was a werewolf pack in the area. In fact, she had partly counted on it. While she had no intention of ever joining a pack, it was best for Henry and Sophie to be close to one, the danger of being actual rogues too much, and she was going to formally greet the Alpha to stay in his good graces.

She entered the coffee shop, the bell at the top of the door jingling at the sound. The aroma of the coffee, and the very relaxing shades of maroon and brown all over the coffee shop made her feel comfortable.

Just as the comfort settled, it was replaced by a sense of danger, the hairs at the back of her neck stood and her whole body shivered. She swallowed, clenching her muscles to force her body not to run, rooting herself to the spot.

The buzz in the small coffee shop died down a bit, and she noticed when she had looked around that some people had looked at her, while the others were going on as normal.

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