I wished that my friends were still alive, I already missed them. The fun we had together and the joyous moments we made were on my mind, I've always thought of that when I became weak. I tried to look at the window and saw zombies were awkwardly marching. Their bones were broken and their shirts were torn out. I saw bloods around their body and the nasty yellowish teeth. I always heard cars making sounds that draw zombies around.

I hoped for a better and safe life but I got was undefined zombie apocalypse. I was thinking about myself being a noble knight wearing a chain mail with a shimmering armor and a long sharp sword and a silver shield. But, I know that people use large guns and ammunition to kill zombies and I also know that killing zombies was a lure. If I shot a zombie with a gun, they will hear it and go to it, that's why it was a bad idea bringing a gun unless it was really a gigantic wave.

The blood of defiance and let the truths be untold. The pure blood that comes out from people were truly brave as a mighty knight. The dark clouds covered the bright blue sky, it rained hard.

Here I lived in this wrecked two-floored house, and lived in a far away land from the city. No city was safe and no country was not hurt. I was also waiting for a miracle to happen, and I also wanted to meet some new friends to help with. I was expecting machine guns and shotguns shooting with my friends. I looked again at the window and saw a person sneaking and disguising the zombie's style of moving. I whispered loudly as I could and told him to come over my house. I slowly peeked at the window, pushing the curtain a little and saw him knocking. I instantly opened the door but the zombies saw us again. I called myself lucky because without this concrete house, I would not be safe. The houses of other people were made of wood so the zombies can easily break in. 

He thanked me very much for letting him in. We chattered a bit and talked about how am I. After I told all my story, I asked about his. His life were full of miseries and tribulations. All I wanted to do was to rest and sleep but his tale was too exciting. He said that if we are here waiting for something very long, we should really get going. I disagreed first but then I nodded and accepted the fact that we should really get going. I told him that I already packed up some of my things and I suddenly remember that we have a fire extinguisher and I grabbed it. He asked me if there was anything that is very sharp: like an axe, some guns or very long knife. I said that there was nothing. There was nothing here in the house but emptiness. 

We woke up in the saddest morning. We couldn't take a shower because the water line was broken and I can't do anything about it. We were very filthy and smelly but it was okay. We were packed already and ready to go. I got myself a weapon-- the small knife, but it was better than nothing and I thought, that it was gonna be helpful. His weapon was an axe, he had it already before he went to my house. I was not really ready to leave the house, this house was so full of memories for me. He told me that if we still didn't got out, more zombies will come and we will stay here suffering. I shook my head and told him where are we gonna go, can we survive the apocalypse of zombies outside. The questions were not answered and then I just forgot the questions that I asked.

We left the house nervously, as we walked out the house, zombies smelt us and came towards us. We had no choice but to kill them one by one. He was very unbelievably professional at swinging axes. I adore him. He almost annihilated all of the zombies. I opened my mouth widely, staring at him long. He clapped his hands in front of me and I was awake again. All I wanted do was to kill many zombies but there were plenty of zombies around me, all I could do was one on one or one by one. I was holding my knife trembling, turning around and unable to decide who I wanted to kill first. I had no choice but to die. He got in and slashed the heads of the zombies. He glowered at me and told me to 'wake up' three times already. I don't know, this is the first time I encountered a zombie apocalypse. I never knew that zombies existed, I blamed the airborne virus and the people who got infected. 

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