Later that Night

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Kristen's POV

After about an hour, I heard the front door open. "Kristen where are you?" He yelled with the most worried voice in the world. "Kristen!" He said once he saw me.

"Alaric what's going on?" I asked.

"Did a women stop by here and try to hurt you?" He asked checking my body for I guess bruises or cuts.

"Some lady named Isobel stopped by. She told me to tell you she'd be seeing you soon. What the hell is going on?" I asked.

He was searching through a bunch of papers looking for something. "Did you tell her she could come inside?"

I nodded. "I just invited her in and we talked for a little bit. She seems like a good friend." I told him. "Why are you so freaked out?"

"Pack a bag now! We're going to stay at a friend of mind's house." He told me. "Your school stuff is on the bed in my room. Go get it and pack your clothes for school tomorrow." He ordered.

"Can you please explain what the hell is going on? Why is Isobel coming over such a big deal? She seems nice."

"She is anything but nice. Let's just go and I'll explain once we get to my students house." He said.

I did as I was told and once we got to the house, I realized how huge it was. "Your student is pretty rich!" I exclaimed.

Alaric chuckled a bit. "Their family was part of the original settlers here in Mystic Falls. The house has been passed on to every new generation." He told me. "Now Stefan is my history student but try to stay away from his older brother Damon. He's a dick."

Suddenly the door opened, and a very sexy guy was standing with a huge smirk on his face. "It's not nice to talk about my brother like that!" He exclaimed. "Hi. I'm Stefan the boring brother that has nothing better to do then go to school and have feelings!" He added with a very sarcastic tone.

"Kristen this is Damon. Just ignore him." Alaric said, and motioned for me to follow him inside.

I followed him, and then we ran into yet another sexy guy. "You must be Kristen." He said. "I'm Stefan the dicks younger brother."

"I can hear you!" Damon yelled. Then he walked into the room and smiled. "So are we going to talk about the crazy bitch being back? Because I'm sure you have questions for me Ric." Damon smirked.

"Does this mean I get to know what the hell is going on?" I asked.

"You didn't tell her Ric?" Damon asked with a not so surprised look on his face. "I'm not surprised, but you really should tell the girl. After all, she will be living with you and that stuff never ends up staying hidden."

"I'll tell her when she's ready." Alaric stated.

"She's right here, and she wants to know what the hell you're talking about!" I practically yelled at them. "Can someone please talk to me?"

Damon then grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room. He looked me straight in the eyes. "You're going to stay in this room. You won't leave or listen to anything around you." He told me. Then he left.

"Why would I stay here?" I asked myself and I walked out of the room, but stopped before they could realize I was listening.

"I want to keep Kristen out of this. Her dad was killed by an animal and we don't need her worrying about anything." Alaric said, and put air quotes when he said animal.

Stefan gave him a worried look. "If Isobel is really here then that means Kristen needs to be careful. Alaric I know you want to keep her out of it, but telling her is probably the best way to keep her safe." He explained.

Alaric shook his head and Damon chuckled with a huge smirk. "This is my fault, and somehow I feel no sympathy for you Ric. She wouldn't have came to me if you would'be made her happy in her first life." He said.

What a dick! Alaric glared at Damon and then rolled his eyes. "Where'd you put Kristen?" He asked. Then I walked out of my hiding spot.

"I'm right here Ric." I said and then I got wide eyes from Damon.

"How"d you get out of the room?" He asked with a very annoyed voice.

"I used my hands to open the door, and then I used these things called feet to walk out the door." I told him. "It's not like you locked me in or anything."

Alaric looked at Damon and then both of them looked at my wrist and noticed the bracket that my dad got me when I turned 12. "Kristen where'd you get that bracelet?" Alaric asked me.

I shrugged. "My dad. He gave it to me for my birthday when I turned 12. Why is that important?" I asked.

"It must have vervain. It's the only way she could get out of the room." Stefan said. "Unless you gave her some before you guys came here." He added.

"What the hell is going on here?" I yelled trying to show them that I'm still here.

"I could always break her neck and we could forget she was ever here in the first place!" Damon suggested.

Stefan shook his head and walked over to me. "Do you know why your dad gave you this bracelet? Did he say anything to you when he gave it to you?" He asked me.

I shook my head and took it off. "If you want it take it. Just tell me what's going on!" I said and I threw the bracelet to Ric. Damon began to walk towards me, and Stefan quickly threw him across the room.

"We are not going to compel her to forget this! We can just explain everything that's going on." Stefan yelled and took my bracelet from Alaric. He handed it to me and I put it back on. "Can I please explain to her what's going on Alaric?" He asked and I was more confused then ever.

"Someone tell me!" I yelled.

Damon then stood up and grabbed me. He pulled me away, and within seconds we were in the park that I had saw when Alaric was driving me to his apartment. "Ric may not want to tell you what's going on, and I may want you to forget this whole thing happened, but my brothers right." He said.

"So does this mean you're going to tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"In time, but for now I'm going to need you to pretend you don't remember anything that happened tonight. If Ric or Stefan ask all you remember is Ric leaving to get food." He explained to me. "I'm not going to make sure you forget but you need to pretend."

"When are you going to explain for real what's going on?" I asked.

Damon chuckled, and rolled his eyes. "If you can pretend for long enough that you have no clue about anything, I'll explain everything to you. Right now you're confused and I get it. But in time I will explain everything to you." He told me, and suddenly he disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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