Hellbent I

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(Quick note: I'm a bit surprised at the fact that people here have read this. I kinda forgot it existed on here and that I hadn't finished uploading until one of you sweeties reached out! Well, after this I'll upload the last part to this book and if you all want I'll put some of my other lewthur works here as well.
That being said, please enjoy Hellbent Part 1!)


Vivi yawned as she got into the driver’s seat. She glanced over and- oh there was her fucking demon dog oh hi! She pressed herself to the door in fear.

She relaxed when he gave her no acknowledgement, still holding her prosthetic. She observed him looking down at a… Petal? He looked awfully stressed. She glanced around, before cautiously reaching out her hand, because this is what owners are supposed to do right? Love and be there for their pets?

She flinched when he moved his head but sealed her resolve and placed her palm on his head. In a pet. Mystery looked up at her in surprise before leaning into it with an appreciative smile. She grinned down at him and started the vehicle.

They’d been driving for a while, Mystery was sleeping and Arthur, well he’d been sleeping a while which was honestly a relief, he’d been doing so much for them both.

But anyways she was the only one awake and she was sleepy, she yawned.

… The music on the radio stopped.


She glanced down at it and the van slowed without her consent.

What was happening?

She noticed something in the mirror, and she looked behind.

That was a semi, in the middle of the road heading towards the van.

She turned the key, trying to restart the van. Why wasn’t it working!?

The van slowed to a complete stop. The truck was getting closer. She slammed her prosthetic into the dash in a last ditch effort.

She shrieked as the current ran up and short-circuited her arm.

She held her shoulder, a few tears leaking through from the pain. Wait the arm wasn’t working. Shit shit shit-

The Semi was right behind them.


She slammed the gas. Mystery was forced back into his seat. She could hear the semi rev up behind theme, she urged the vehicle faster.

Arthur opened his eyes wearily as his body was jerked from its place. He yelped as he avoided the bat that fell from the top shelf. Didn’t he tell Vivi not to put it that high!?

As he was near thrown into the backdoor from the sheer force of the momentum of the vehicle, he decided that scolding her could probably wait. He grabbed the seat and braced his knees to the flooring.

“What is happening?!”

“Ghost Semi!!”

“… What the hell is a ghostsem-”

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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