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Lewis wasn’t a particularly excitable man.

Unless in a few circumstances, those being

1. His family was included

2. He was doing anything related to cooking in any capacity

3. He was with or talking about or even just think about Arthur Kingsmen.

He was by no means a psychologically questionable nor a mentally unstable person.

But, Dios Mios, Arthur had him questioning that constantly.

He found himself thinking about doing the stupidest things just for Arthurs attention.

He became an absolute dumbass in the mechanic’s presence.

He didn’t care.

Arthur deserved all affection he could give him, all the attention, all the praise, everything he had, GOD he loved him so much!

“Woah, settle down, lover boy.”

Lewis sighed as Vivi snickered.

“Shut up Vi.”

“Oh come on big guy, it’s cute! Plus, trust me, as the shared wing woman of your relationship, I can affirm that Arthur is just as crazy about you!”

Lewis blushed looking away.

“…He is?”

She grinned at him smugly.

“He totally is! Which is why you shouldn’t worry about what you give him!”

Lewis sighed, tracing the handcrafted Jewellery box. Arthur liked necklaces and earrings and bracelets, so he thought he’d give him somewhere to put them.

“But it is so immature and maybe he already has one and oh this is definitely gonna go south!-”

Vivi placed her finger on his lips and wretched the box from his grasp.

“Well if you hate it so much, I’ll take it!”

Lewis immediately ripped it away from her, growling, GROWLING, threateningly.

He blushed when Vivi laughed at him.

“Fine! Fine, I’ll give him the box.”

Vivi cheered.


For all the romantic things they tended to do, Arthur and Lewis actually liked the company of Vivi.

As she giggled so loudly they could hear her over the wind from the sheer velocity of the roller coaster and the screams of other riders because she saw Arthur curl into Lewis’ side, they realised that no, they, in fact, did not enjoy her company during romantic outings.

It was better than the alternative though, at least they knew where she was.

It wouldn’t be the first time she snuck into their dates

(“We need photo albums! What are we gonna tell your kids about your relationship when they inevitably ask?!”

“How in the ever-loving FUCK did you get that waitress’ outfit!?”

“A magician never reveals their secrets, Artie!”

“Where is the real waitress?”

“Nowhere you should worry your romantic little faces about, carry on with your date!”

Lewis pulled Arthur behind him as she cackled.)

Arthur groaned as Vivi took a multitude of pictures at every opportunity.

It was weird though. Normally he’d be demanding she go home.

Lewis shrugged away the thought and lead Arthur to another ride.


The night was coming to a close and Lewis fiddled with the gift box.

He trusted Vivi, she helped him with getting together with his love after all, but the nerves were frayed and bubbling under his skin and if he had something else he would burn this damned box.

“Estrellita, I…”

He flushed as those pretty eyes, that had gradients from a bright orange then faded into a beautiful gold that made his knees go weak-, looked upon him.

He held out the gift.

Arthur blushed, giving him his beautiful, but sadly relatively rare, smile and their hands brushed and Lewis was going to explode he was absolutely sure of it-

A smaller box was placed into his hand. He grinned at his love, he was certain he’d never ever lose or get rid of this, not even in death!

Arthur opened his gift first and he gave a bright grin and they really didn’t need that pesky old sun if Lewis could get him to do that more often and he certainly was going to-

Arthur was staring at him expectantly. He blushed as he realised he forgot what they were doing, (c'mon Pepper, you’ve done this six times now! You always space, jackass!) but at least he got a pretty little chuckle from his love from his stupidity.

He opened the box to find, oh that was a locket. He ran his hands over the engraving (‘to the dorkiest and best boyfriend in the world, Lewis Pepper’. He was gonna cry-) and he clicked it open.

He blinked as he noticed a picture was already inside. He’d never seen this picture before. Wait, wasn’t that at-

“I had Vivi taking the picture for it today-”

-And he was crying.

Arthur giggled as he was swooped up in his sobbing boyfriend’s grasp.


Lewis ran his hands over the engravings of his anchor and felt his head spin with renewed anger at the woman who took it all from him.

All her false enthusiasm, all her bullshit interruptions. She wanted this to happen. He’d make her pay.

“We will be together again soon, Estrellita. She wouldn’t get in the way this time.”

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