Kisumi x female Reader

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"Ladies, ladies!" I heard an irritating voice say. I glanced over and saw Kisumi Shigino, the most "popular" guy in high school. I rolled my eyes at how many girls just throw themselves at him. It was really annoying, every day I came here to study and these girls would squeal when he walked in.

"Kisumi, please go on a date with me," one squealed.

"No, no, date me!" another squealed.

I growled to myself and shouted, "will you stupid girls shut up?! This is a library! Get out!"

They all looked at me shocked and some of the girls scoffed. I glared at them until they left and Kisumi was leaning against a bookshelf. His head turned to me and he smiled. I rolled my eyes and sat back down, I opened my book and returned to studying.

I sighed and heard a chair in front of me being pulled out and a book being placed down. "Thanks for that," I heard someone whisper. I looked up and it was Kisumi.

"Thought you liked all of that attention," I said and wrote down some equations.

"I don't, I'm just nice to them, but that was pretty funny what you said," he said and chuckled softly. "So, what is your na-"

"Don't even ask, I won't become one of your little groupies," I stated a bit annoyed. What does he think that I'm stupid or something? I don't fall for guys like him, I like intelligent guys who actually have plans for their future, not guys who whore around and mess with people.

"I don't want you to be like them," he said in a serious tone, "I think you're pretty amusing the way you are now."

I sighed and sat back in my chair and looked him in the eye. I crossed my arms and twirled my pencil in my fingers, "what do you want from me?" I asked.

He snickered and laid his head on the table, "nothing... well, maybe how about being my friend?" he asked with a smile.

"If I say yes will you be quiet while I study?" I said. He nodded with a big smile and I rolled my eyes, "I'm ____, and I'll be your friend, now shush." I leaned back down to my study book and began answering the equations I wrote down. I glanced up and saw he was studying too. After 2 hours of studying, I stretched and cracked my knuckles.

He looked up at me, "finally, I was wondering when you'd be done," he chuckled.

I stayed silent and when I checked my watch, I jumped out, "oh crap," I said and started to pack everything up.

"Work?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said and blushed a bit. I work at the Iwatobi Swim Club and I help Sasabe with the kids swimming. I put my bag on my shoulder and Kisumi followed me out of the library. "You know if you follow me, the girls here will suspect something," I said annoyed. I started noticing the girls glaring at me.

"Let them, besides you're a friend, they should like you too," he said and wrapped an arm around me. I slapped his hand away and began walking faster. I heard little whispers and I wanted to punch Kisumi right then and there, but I have to act civilised.

I changed my shoes at my locker and walked out of the building. I stuck in my earphones and turned up my music to ignore everything around me. When I got to the Swim Club I saw Sasabe there greeting parents. I took out my headphones and introduced myself as one of the coaches.

"Oh, we've heard about you, Akio won't stop talking about how cute his coach is!" the mum said.

"Thanks, well, I've got to go, it was nice meeting you all," I said and bowed. I walked inside and went to the changing room and change into my uniform, a swim suit with a jacket over it. I walked back out and to the pool area with all the kids.

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