Favourite thing about you

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(Fav physical thing because they would all choose your amazing personality)


Your hair. It is just so magnificent and the smell is unequalled. Once you got it cut really short and he nearly cried (yes he was slightly drunk.)


Your hands. They are just so strong and yet so soft. He adores holding them and like the true gent he is he always gives them a little kiss.


Your eyebrows. He just really likes your eyebrows, OK? They are so inquisitive and expressive. All you had to do was bend them a tiny little bit and he would be in fits of giggles.


It is weird for him to say your chest? At first yes, but all he has to do is explain that what he really loves is every curve, every stretch mark, every bone, and every muscle that makes you you.


Your mouth, especially when you laugh (bonus point if it's at one of her jokes.)


Your (thunder) thighs because they are so soft and strong and he just adores them. He also loves how easy your hips are to grab and pin against the wall.

Peter Parker

Your nose, even when it gets all red and runny during allergy season. How could he not love it? It's so cute and you wouldn't be you without it.


The little sarcastic smirk you do every once in a while.


Your skin for being so soft and warm and your eyes for being so kind and understanding.

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