My 'About' page

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On my wattpad 'About' page (or section, partition, portion, whatever), some people (most people) may misconstrue what I was trying to say about me and loving my families (created and born into -I'll call that indigenous).

Okay, well, let me put all your minds at rest. I'm not sure either. I mean there are days when I love my family so much (the created one, hardly the indigenous one). They'll feel like my world and I'm pretty sure they reciprocate those same feelings of adoration (I mean, how can they not -it's me).

However, there are times (more than a few moments) when I either want them to disappear or run away from them. Fortunately for them (and because I'm such an awesome person), I pretend I like them right throughout that time. This pretense mostly works though, as I usually find myself enjoying their company once again (that is once I am over their bull crap).

PS: For those who do not know what my About section/ page/ partition/ segment (whatever) says, here's some all important information that I am sure will do you well. Are you ready, okay, here it goes:

Step 1: Get a piece of paper, got it, good.

Step 2: Get a writing tool (ie pen, pencil, etc)

Step 3: Open up a new tab in your browser (that's on the internet).

Step 4: I'm just pulling your leg, just click on my icon, it'll take to my page, you can read it there.

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