Fear emerges from darkness

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I wake up to pain. My ankles throb in pain as does my arm.

I lightly touch my hand where it hurts and feel something wet. Probably blood.

Its really hot and there's a sent of ashes like something is burning.

I feel my arms around me then I feel a scorching pain on my hand. A burn.

The place is on fire.

No. No. No. I have to get out of here. I get up with struggle. My guide cane probably in the fire. Where to go.

"Katniss. Katniss!", I hear faint yelling.

"Help! Help!", I scream back.

Smoke and ash get in my lungs and I start coughing. I start to run, hopefully I run into an exit. I lived through a fire already I don't think I'll be allowed to do it again. My ankles burn and throb and I feel dizzy. But I don't give up.

I run. And run. Then I ran into something and it opened. A door. I fall as I bashed into it. I could feel the wind blow so I was out of the burning building.

Where now? I can't see where I am or where I'm going.

"Katniss!", I feel someone pick me up.

"Uncle Haymich?", I ask.

"Yes. I've got you sweetheart. You'll be okay", he tells me.

I hear people scurrying and voices on radios.

Haymich POV (sorry. Its kinda hard to write with only sound to describe)

I run to the paramedics and set Katniss onto a stretcher. Her eyes are open. Disoriented without sight. Wide with fear. She gasps for air, breathless.

A paramedic prepares a machine and places a mask on her. It covers her nose and mouth.

"We have to take her to hospital to stitch her arm.", the doctor person says.

"Okay.", I say as they put Katniss in the ambulance and I climb in.

Katniss is awake the whole time. Breathing with the help of the oxygen their giving her. Tears slip out of her eyes.

"What else hurts, sweetheart?", I worry for my niece.

"My ankles", she says.

I look down at her feet. Her ankles are red and turning purple. We arrive at the hospital. They quickly care for the burn with some cream then they wrap it up. A doctor comes in and stitches the cut on her arm.

"Doctor her ankles are red and purple.", I make him aware.

"It looks like it was done on purpose. How did you end up in the burning building, miss Everdeen?", he asks her.

"I was in the school auditorium when Delly Cartwright came in and grabbed my throat, pulled my hair and stepped on both my ankles. Then she cut my arm and I blacked out. When I woke it was hot and I felt around, getting burned by the fire.", she explains.

"Okay. Your going to need to stay over night to make sure you heal right and your lungs are property working. I'll go get something for your ankles", the doctor says and walks away.

My phone rings.


"Uncle Haymich did you find her?", its Peeta and Finnick.

"Yeah. We're at the hospital." I say. They freak out and say their coming.

"Katniss. We are telling the police about this. Okay?", I tell her.

She sighs. Knowing I'm as stubborn as she is, "Yes uncle Haymich."

"When Peeta, Finnick , and Clove couldn't find you they freaked out and went to look for you at home. You weren't there so I went and helped them look. I looked for you at the school. But it was on fire so I called the firefighters, ambulance and police. I saw you coughing in front of the door to the auditorium. " I explain to her.

Peeta, Finnick, and Clove run in and looking worried.

"Katniss!!!! Are you alright?!? Oh my God what happened?!?", they burst out at her.

"Delly Cartwright happened", is all she whispered before the doctor came in.

He put ankle braces on her feet.

"You can't walk, run, or do any physical activity for about a week or two. But this might effect you for your entire life. Especially in dancing. But you should be able to heal good as new.

Also be alert. You could develop asthma because of the smoke and ash you inhaled in the fire.", he said to Katniss as a nurse dropped off a wheelchair," if you have trouble breathing, or wheezing come to the hospital."

Peeta picked up Katniss and sat her in the wheelchair and we all left.


Everyone probably guessed what was going to happen. And I'm so worried about that. I'm sorry. :'(

- princess Everlark

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