Long Live

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Peeta's, POV

I walk to a little cafe I discovered last week.

There's a chalkboard sign that says

" spéciale du jour: gâteau au chocolat" 

I stared at it and identified it as French but still didn't know what it says.

Inside it smelled like melted chocolate and caramel.

The seats were a dark wooden brown.

A on a little stage there was a microphone and a stool.

Then I saw Clove walk on to the stage.

"Hello. My cousin, Katniss would like to sing for us", she said as Katniss slowly walked to her.

Clove helped her on to the stool.

"Hello. I will be singing a song that is by Taylor Swift "Long Live", Katniss said into the microphone.

Her voice is beautiful. Her dark brown hair frames her face in a side braid.

Her eyes are closed hiding their color and her secrets.

" Long live
the walls we crashed down
I had the time of my life with you
long, long live
the walls we crashed through
the kingdom lights shined
just for me and you
and I was screaming long live
all the magic we made
and bring on all the pretenders
I'm not afraid
singing long live
all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life
fighting dragons with you
and long long live
that look on your face
and bring on all the pretenders
one day we will be remembered "

The song was over but her voice had me mesmerized with a desire to hear it again.

"Peeta!", I heard my name being called.

I look up to see Clove waving me to a table where she and her uncle sat.

I walk over to them.

"Hey clove", I say.

"Hey Peeta "

I see Katniss walking with one end of the guide cane of the floor.

She hits the end of my shoe.

"Oh. Sorry", she says.

"Clove. Uncle Haymich?", she says.

"Here sweetheart", her uncle says seating her in one of the chairs.

She's so beautiful.

"Katniss you sang beautifully.", clove says,"don't you agree Peeta?"

"Yes. Definitely. Beautiful.", I say, looking at Katniss; but she can't see me.

" aww merci", Katniss says.

"Huh?", I say confused.

"Oh. It means thank you.", She explains.

"Your welcome.", I say.

Her cheeks turn rosie red with blush.

She's beautiful. 

The Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins
'Long Live" belongs to Taylor Swift.

I know its kind of boring.
This won't be very long.
But I do promise you a sequel to this story when its done.
There will be a big plot twist.

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