Part 7

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You saw the car arrive from the window of your tiny studio apartment. You shoved everything you thought you might need for the day into your purse, brushed your hair one last time, and ran down the steps to meet everyone.

When you jumped in the car, you accessed everyone's outfits to see if you had dressed appropriately give the small amount of instructions given. Tom was dressed casually, but still stylish with his shorts and t-shirt. Next to him, in between the two of you, was a drawstring bag.

"Hello! What are we doing today?" you asked cheerfully, trying to shake off the sad funk you were in yesterday.

Tom didn't say anything to you. He only looked out his window, probably annoyed as per usual.

"You and Tom are going to an amusement park," Ryan answered.

You gasped excitedly, heart rate picking up. You hadn't been to an amusement park since forever! You never had anyone to go with before, and you thought it would be pretty lame to go by yourself. Bitterly, you remembered once when you made plans to go with Brad and he ditched you to go play golf with his friends.

Not much later into the ride, Zach started briefing you both. He made a strong emphasis on the fact that people will constantly be watching, even when we don't think they are. So, naturally, you both had to be on your best behavior.

Tom sighed, as if he wasn't looking forward to an entire day of pretending like you and him were madly in love. You understood the feeling.

At least it was at an amusement park.

It took about an hour and a half to get to the park. You silently wondered how long it would take for people to realize you were there. Had Ryan and Zach already tipped people off? Surely, there would be paparazzi plants already in the park when you got there.

Tom and you filed out of the car when you arrived. Ryan met you both outside reminding you that he and Zach would be giving tips through text and to stay connected with your phones.

And then, just like that, you and Tom were hand and hand, walking into the amusement park.

He handed you your ticket as you got closer to the gate. After you went through, you had to wait a moment for him to have his bag checked. You smiled at him sheepishly as you waited through the gates, while he had to wait in line.

He smiled back, and then a moment later, the person behind him in line asked for a picture. He happily obliged. It made you realize that Ryan was right. Today, it had to be in acting mode 100%.

When he made it through he rejoined hands with you and started swinging your arm back and forth.

"What first?" you asked, taking in the park around you. You could see the rollercoasters, and in the distance you heard the screams of joy as one went down a large hill. You couldn't help but smile, taking in the fresh air.

He paused.

"Sunscreen, of course," he replied very seriously.

You rolled your eyes playfully as he pulled off his bag, and shifted through it for a moment before pulling the can of sprayable sunscreen out. He shook it for a moment before motioning you to open your arms so he could spray them.

The moment the sunscreen hit your skin, you gasped and jumped back with a laugh.

"Cold?" he asked with an amused grin.


Instead of sparing mercy on you, he only continued to spray you. You squealed and covered your face. He managed to get most of your legs, but he couldn't get your arms properly. After finally swatting him away, he surrendered, handing you the can so you could get him.

Isn't This Cliche? {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now