Part 4

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The next morning, you made your way to Tom's hotel to meet him, Ryan, Zach, and Miranda. Yesterday had been extra annoying and frustrating. As much as you'd rather not pretend to date an arrogant actor, it was your job now. And you'd much prefer for that arrogant actor to be a little bit more cooperative.

You step on to the fancy elevator, trying to mentally prepare yourself for the day's events. Who knew what Ryan had planned for you two today. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, a hand jumped into the small opening, stopping the doors from closing.

You watched as Tom Holland walked onto the elevator.

"Sorry- oh," he said, his eyes rolling once he saw it was you.

"Hi, Tom," you said while smiling brightly at him. You figured it would only get under his skin more if you fake nice to him.

He just sighed. It was silent for a few moments as the two of you stood shoulder to shoulder. He kept drumming his fingers against the side of his thigh, and despite being clearly annoyed by your presence, he seemed off. In more of a nervous way.

"Hey, are you okay?" you asked, trying to sound sincere.

For a moment, and just a moment, he looked shocked by the question. If you had blinked, you would've missed it because the next moment he was turning to you slowly, as if you had just asked the dumbest question ever.

"Do you ever just mind your own business?"

"Do you ever chill out?"

He rolled his eyes, again.

"Chill out?" he mocked.

You stopped, figuring that this conversation was not going anywhere anyway.

When the elevator dinged again once you reached Ryan's floor, Tom stepped out before, leaving you behind as you followed after him. Ryan answered his door with over-done enthusiasm.

"There's the love birds!" He exclaimed.

You and Tom gave him a strange look. Tom didn't waste any time, though. He immediately went to the chair in the corner of the room and sat on it dramatically like he was a kid in timeout.

Ryan spent the next hour going over the details for the morning. You and Tom took turns in Miranda's chair, getting ready while Ryan lectured. You weren't entirely sure Tom was listening to anything he said, which only made you want to listen to Ryan more. The last thing you wanted was to be stranded with Tom and not know what to do.

The idea was simple. Apparently, it had to be since the date from the night before had been ruined. The two of you would go out to breakfast, Zach was making arrangements to leak the location online, and then attempt to go on a walk. The actual idea was to have fans come and take pictures with you both.

That concept was strange. Why would anyone want to come and take pictures while Tom was on a date with you?

Despite your uncertainties, you and Tom made your way out of the hotel and to the little breakfast shop. It was really cute, and this time you were determined to make actual conversation. You think luck was probably on your side because the place was really small. Basically, you had to make real conversation unless you wanted to risk someone overhearing the two of you banter.

Tom pulled out your chair for you, and you sat down with a sweet smile. It was almost unnerving how good of Tom was at acting like you were his girlfriend. He smiled at you, his eyes lighting up.

"Is this alright, darling?" he asked, referring to the restaurant.

"It's perfect!"

You took a look at the menu trying to decide what to get. Suddenly the waiter came over.

Isn't This Cliche? {Tom Holland}Where stories live. Discover now