Chapter 3: A Warm Reunion

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Eventually, 9-Volt seems to have the suspicion that something odd is going on. With his head still in his system, 9-Volt said to 18-Volt,

9-Volt: "Uh, I feel like we're being watched".

No matter how tempting it was to speak, I successfully remembered to remain quiet. 18-Volt had looked and when he saw, his eyes behind his glasses had lit up straight away. He started with a deep

18-Volt: "wha?"

and then gasped, spreading his arms out and beckoning me to climb into him, hugging me very tightly almost so I couldn't breathe. As this was happening, 9-Volt's face lit up as he greeted each bear, hugging some and hi-fiving others. And when it got to Selvian, 9-Volt hugged him like a little kid typically would, long and hard.

Upon the exchange of initial greetings, the other teddies crossed the road. 18-Volt's eyes lit up more when he saw Todd and Cindy again and he begged them come over. Remembering 18-Volt, the two kids rushed over to him and got into his lap. While that was happening, little Harry was investing this new sight by tapping on 18-Volt's foot. 18-Volt looked down startled,

18-Volt: "Oh! Come on up little man, there's room for you too".

18-Volt helped Harry up and sat him on his lap, then lifting his head again to talk to me.

18-Volt: "Got some big news, you just missed the wedding".

I looked over at Selvian and asked quietly,

Karla: "what wedding?".

18-Volt answered,

18-Volt: "Jimmy T and Winter got married".

Karla: "And just who on Earth is Winter?",

I asked 18-Volt.

9-Volt managed to pull out a picture of his satchel and it was one of the wedding group, with Jimmy T and Winter in the middle. My eyes widened,

Karla: "Is that... Is that my fortress!?".

18-Volt nodded,

18-Volt: "Yup, wasn't being used so your staff here offered it as a reception centre".

I shrugged,

Karla: "Well, at least it wasn't used for harmful purposes".

Then 9-Volt suddenly butts in,

9-Volt: "Uh, should be tell her?".

18-Volt looked at 9-Volt like he didn't know what 9-Volt was hinting at.

9-Volt: "I'll tell her... Some of the guests got drunk and trashed your floor... But your staff took care of it".

I slightly smiled at 9-Volt,

Karla: "As long as the teddies took care of it, I'm happy".

Selvian: "You told us your Amino members had a tendency to get drunk in their roleplays?",

I nodded,

Selvian: "Then it was probably them"

Sierra: "Those hogs, do they not know how to keep maintained at an elegant function?".

I answered Sierra,

Karla: "I've known them for long enough, you've just gotta let them do what they want and clean up after them; that's what you do if you want to keep friendships".

18-Volt piped in,

18-Volt: "Say, although you missed the wedding, Warioware's holdin' a Christmas party and it's at your place again. Come to that and say hi to the folks".

I nodded in agreement and all the teddies followed with the same action.

--- Time skip to Chapter 4 ---

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