200 [FINALE!]

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"Anything you say can and will be recorded as an overheard quote...anything you said could and was recorded as an overheard quote. Congratulations, everyone. You're on the Internet." - Me


I say "we" because, obviously, none of this content is even mine. Thank you to everyone around me, the vast majority of which don't know that I'm putting what they say on the Internet, for saying such iconic things so I can provide fresh content for all of you - more than enough content to complete a book! To celebrate that, there will be two parts to this finale.

Part One of the End of Book One Finale is special showcase and brief introduction of some of the hilarious, random, and iconic people that have appeared in this collection most frequently, with some never-before-seen quotes from each. To all of them, as well as the other people who have been in this book, though most of them will never see this - thanks again for being iconic!

In the order they appeared in this book (somewhat).

Overworked theater kid. Quadruple threat. Softball player. The gay agenda is strong with this one. angel_on_fire11.
"Let's get rid of all those insecurities." (as she severely smudges a photo of herself)

Nerd turned gamer. Still a dork and a memer.
"A woman who cut her dick off."

A literal walking meme. Short tuba player that never thinks before speaking. If the wrong person hears all the things he says, he's probably screwed.
"I have 3 fingers and 5 hands."

Pretty much the definition of a gay legend. Her writing may disturb you. One of the most iconic people I know. WatWhyMe.
"Do that and your head's gonna get guillotined."

Iconic memer. Acts ridiculous and spews out facts about reptiles a lot.
"I'm a beandip machine."

Super sweet, kind artist that compliments everyone possible. Loves spilling that good tea.
"I follow some horny artists."

Baritone player. I don't even know what he's doing.
"It's time for a Crusade! Bring on the holy fire!"

Super funny, iconic writer. Got mad at Mr. Buzzard a lot. Annoy her, you face her wrath.
"I was outswimming my eight-year-old cousin at three. But he was also a fucking pussy."

Super sweet violin player that writes good stories. More iconic than the body in her basement. -ohurie-.
"My favorite kind of mechanical product is an ass-slapping machine."

Memer trombone player that likes to joke about random stuff and illegal things, sometimes in a concerning way.
"I want to watch a documentary on Billy Ray Cyrus."

Awesome friend and writer. Iconic comments and iconic situations. Goes to a church that seems chaotic, tbh. SINISTERS-.
"My favorite color is money."

A saxophone player that's basically high 24/7. Memer to the core. Still plays Minecraft. What is he doing? No one knows.
"I'm selling the Krusty Krab to fund my nicotine addiction...it's actually probably heroin. Or opiods or something."

Super funny and awesome. Best meme songs 2019. Strong supporter of the overheard quotes and contributor to quite a few. maggiepridemore02.
"I got the bean bags in the back, I'm smoking on that cash, I'm really kinda poor, and I don't have an ass."

I think she's probably high a lot. I don't know what most of her quotes mean, but they're amazing. What_The_Duck23.
"I remember when my mom tried to sue me because I ate a goat."

And now, for Part Two of the End of Book One Finale. This is only the first book; I am definitely planning on a sequel! To do this, I need title ideas for both this book and the second. That's where Part Two comes in.


Suggest titles for Book One!
Please give me literally any ideas you have. Maybe one of your favorite quotes in this book? Comment any ideas here; if you like someone else's idea, reply to their comment to let me know.

Suggest titles for Book Two!
Again, literally any idea would be great. It could be a quote from this book, and as Book 2 goes on, it could be changed to a favorite quote from that one. Send all the ideas!

Well, I believe that does conclude my first full collection of overheard quotes. The people in my life have made me laugh so much this past year, and I hope their antics have also brought a smile to your face. If you read and enjoyed this to the end, you are the best, I love you, and it's not over yet! High school is approaching, and with it are surely more iconic moments. For now, though...



BOOK 2: ACTUAL LEGENDS! (https://my.w.tt/cZN1c6oSW5)
BOOK 3: CHAOTIC ENERGY! (https://my.w.tt/T94wEP8RW5)

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