delicate - chapter nine

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"pansy" draco walked towards the door, where a puffy eyed, pink cheeked pansy stumbled in, her breaths wild and out of control.

"oh- hi." she mumbled, walking over to a couch and proceeding to yell into a pillow. chocked sobs in the process. draco sat on the ground next to the couch and stroked her hair awkwardly.

"what happened?" draco said, equally distressed and confused. she looked up from the pillow, smiled weakly and said, "hermione and weasley are dating." her eyes gave out as tears drowned the pillow.

'weasley you better fucking not.'  draco thought, 'he always looks at blaise, why doesn't he go hook up with him or something, blaise would be plea-'

"draco?" pansy said breathlessly, her eyes filled with sorrow. he looked over at her as she climed down on the floor next to him, wiping her face from tears. he wrapped his arms around her as she clung onto a pillow. 

"honestly, i hate this. why cant we be like you and potter.

"that would be disastrous." draco said slowly, his ace tinting itslef pink. she sighed and walked away, muttering something like 'im going to see blaise' or 'throwing weasley in a blaze.'

draco was left sitting in his common room. he walked to his room, sitting quietly on the bed.  something was different from last year. he felt so unstable, empty. his brain was screaming at him, his mind was so torturing.

he lied on his bed, staring at the roof. what was his purpose? did he have a purpose? he didn't know, all e wanted was some peace and quiet.

and maybe to be with potter.


"playhist musicorum" he said quietly, his voice echoing the dormitory. soft melodies starting playing around him, filling his ears with the want for more. as the music got louder, his thoughts became quieter. his brain had drifter off, he doesn't know where, but it was beautiful

everyone was coming back from dinner, he decided he wanted to sleep forever. sleep was peaceful. no-one there. tranquillity. he closed his eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep, being released from reality.


harry couldn't sleep. 'where was draco?'  that thought kept penetrating his mind. he couldn't stop thinking about him. he had decided maybe he did like malfoy, as much as he'd hate to say it. it was his smile. it lit up his face, his eyes glowed. harry loved it. also, along with that smile, were dimples. harry's heart jumped at the thought of the boy smiling. his brain drifted off, although at the back of his brain, was draco malfoy.

"harry?" he heard a voice. sirius' voice. his head snapped up. no one was there. he looked around, no traces of sirius. "harry." he heard again. he looked around. still no sirius.

"sirius?" he muttered sadly. he heard it again, but the voice had changed. 

"harry, uh. not sirius mate, sorry." ron's voice murmured softly and slightly sad. harry nodded sadly, because, of course sirius wouldnt be here. hes dead.

"sorry, yeah?" harry sat up, to see ron sitting on teh end of his bed.

"i was wondering, do you know where ginny is?" ron looked down, "haven't seen her much lately.. neither luna." he looked at harry, he looked like he'd been crying.

"deal with it tomorrow. i'm tired." harry muttered, lying back down, when he heard ron say,

"what? you can't spare your sleep for my bloody sister." ron muttered. harry threw his pillow at him. "of course, the golden boy hasn't got time for that."

harry groaned and grabbed his glasses, put on a jumper and walked out, without a word spoken.


"lets split up, i'll go down there," ron said quietly, pointing down some corridor, "you go there." he said, pointing towards another random corridor. he nodded sleepily.


"god fucking damn it!" he heard a girls voice say, it was pansys. he heard footsteps coming closer. "why the fuck does this always happen?!"  he peaked around the corner, the girls silhouette glowed as the moonlight shone brightly, next to it was a tall figure, with pale skin and white-blonde hair. draco malfoy.

"you didn't know, it's okay." he heard the blondes voice, his heart sped up. as he looked across the corner, where draco comforted pansy as she ripped various things with her wand.

"no, its not!" she hissed, snapping a book with the swish of her wand. draco stepped back as she broke a various amount of plates. "i should've known." she sat on the ground and sobbed quietly next to dracos leg.

"pansy, let's got to sleep." draco yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily. it was adorable.

she glared at him and stood up slowly. draco wrapped her arms around the girl, which, in harry's opinion, was extremely unnecessary. harry turned around, remembering his task. then heard a loud voice.


shit shit shit shit shit shit

"hi." he grinned awkwardly as he turned his head to the two. "pansy are you-"

"she's fine." draco said, the voice was just like his old one. a voice harry hated lots. "she's had  rough day." the slytherin said, his tone softening a bit. harry sighed oh so quietly when draco's voice became like that. 

so angelic.

"harry?" he heard ginny behind him. he turned his head so quickly it stunned the two others. 

"where were you? me and ron have been looking for you." he said, walking towards her. he waved softy at the pair and stumbled back to the common room.


"ginerva weasley." ron fumed. ginny brushed her hair out of her face. "where the fuck were you?" he glowered at the girl.

"no where, you dick. now, im going to bed." she sniffed, getting up.

"ginny, come ba-" she slammed the door to the girls dorms closed. harry held back a laugh.

"be easy on her ron, shes okay." he looked and the red head, his face nearly the colour of his hair. he got up as they walked to the dorm. 

"she can't just go missing like that, do you know about all of the attacks that's been happening?" his face dropped.


"then you'll know why i care so much." 

"let's talk about this in the morning."

"sure. goodnight.

"goodnight, ronald."


it has been a while! i hope you liked this chapter, i am on a slight writers block so yee.

ly guys <3

truth or dare - drarryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें