Chapter 14.5: The Plants' Whereabouts II

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While Alex and The Plants prepare for the battle with The Wizard Zombie, let's head back to see what happens next after the incident... 


The apprentices were all beaten up from the henchmen. Fortunately, the Scientist had broken free and alerted Crazy Dave of what's happening. The henchmen were too late, but nonetheless, they grabbed all of the sheep and headed out. 

Sometime later, Crazy Dave came armed to the laboratory. However, the tuxedoed men and the henchmen have long gone. The Scientist and the apprentices told him where they went. The tuxedoed men are going to take them to the factory where they shear the sheep. 

Fortunately, Crazy Dave knows where that is, but he is going to need a large number of reinforcements to get him through the barriers. Crazy Dave asks the Scientist and the apprentices if they can come along and help him out. 

They happily provided their consent, with no reluctance. Crazy Dave asks if there's any way they can find and catch those dastardly men.  Fortunately, the Scientist put trackers on the sheep, just in case the scenario where they get kidnapped happens, which it did.

Crazy Dave smiles and they all head out to find and track down those dastardly men.

**A Time skip of approximately 2 hours**

The men and the henchmen are steadily nearing the factory for sheep-shearing. The plants' anxieties grow every second. Fortunately, Crazy Dave and the science crew are catching up to them. They are all armed with enough artillery to get them in and out. 

Once the men got into the factory, they shut the doors behind them, unaware of Crazy Dave and his crew on their tails. They look through the windows are horrified by the fright of the plants. Wasting no time, they threaten the henchmen, who get out of the way and bash down the doors. Before the men could get in any further, Crazy Dave yells out to them, gaining their attention. 

He expected the men to put their hands up and surrender, but unfortunately, the men themselves have some things up their sleeves. They pull out knockout gas and spray the crew. They immediately put on gas masks to protect themselves from the gas. 

However, when the gas settled, the sheep are all asleep, but Crazy Dave and his crew are nowhere to be found. They look around but no luck. Unbeknownst to them, Crazy Dave and the science crew had jumped up above, standing on some crates overlooking them all. They too have gas masks equipped. 

Crazy Dave pulls out a walkie-talkie. He tells the receiver it's time for the attack. Without warning, there are sounds of glass crashing above. The men look up to see gnomes wearing jetpacks. They all pull out a Gatling Pea and shoot at the men. They try to duck for cover but are soon pelted by all of the peas. 

During this time, Crazy Dave and the crew managed to grab all of the sheep and put them onto a flat truck. Once all of the sheep have been escorted, Crazy Dave gives the gnomes the all-clear to stop shooting. With that, the gnomes stop and head back out. 

It turns out, Rux had managed to get Crazy Dave to tell the news of what happened, to his gnome pals. They, fortunately, did not need any proof to believe Crazy Dave, despite his name. 


Crazy Dave, the science crew, and the gnomes head back to Suburbia, awaiting for Alex, Solar, Peredur, and Rux. 


NOTE: I have a Summer II semester [college] class that starts tomorrow and lasts until August 8. I may end up becoming busy at the 2nd or 3rd week. Worst case, the first week...

EDIT: Belated Warning: The following chapter will be really long! 

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