Chapter 12

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After tending to their injured the two Satan's along with their people disappeared from the battlefield. Ajuka and Serafall reappeared in the war room to see their fellow leaders waiting for them. Dusting themselves off quickly they took their seats.

"What happened?" Sirzechs asked seeing the light bruises on their faces.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Grimmjow Jeagerjaques led the attack. They had about a hundred or more members there with them. Grimmjow fought against me while Naruto led Serafall away." Ajuka started "They're stronger than we thought. Grimmjow, though more of a brute strength fighter is smart. He knew about my Kankara formula, rather than backing down he released more power knowing that I couldn't control that." He explained.

"Interesting." Falbium said "How strong would you say he is exactly? As of right now, he's listed as a triple S rank criminal so we know he's strong."

Ajuka stared down at the table thinking for a second before replying "At the very least he's high ultimate class if the drastic increase in power I felt from him was any indication. He has a high battle IQ, immense stamina, and large magical reserves. Triple S isn't enough." He says raising the eyebrows of his colleagues.

It had been many years since someone had attained a triple S rank status, and for someone to require something higher was rare. "I think it would be wise not to allow anyone other than ourselves, and perhaps even Daihauser to face him. I would give him an X class flees on sight ranking." Ajuka finishes.

"Naruto Uzumaki also has a high battle IQ. He used many different techniques as distractions to try and set me up. He has a technique that allows him to hit you without even being near you. You can feel it but you can't sense it coming." She explains. Ajuka was going through the different possibilities of how this was possible.

"He can use water, fire, and electricity-based techniques. His physical strength is also very high." She continued.

Sirzechs nodded in agreement "He must be if he can order someone like Grimmjow around. What's the status of Abaddon and the devils that went with you?" He asked.

"It's bad, in both cases." Replied Ajuka. "While we were held up fighting with the two leaders the rest of his men seemingly went on a rampage. We lost one hundred twenty whereas they probably lost thirty." He finished

"The plants that help create our medicine were mostly destroyed in the crossfire." Serafall added, "From what I could see before my battle with Uzumaki there were blasts being shot in all directions."

"So what do you make of this?" Asked Falbium "The month hasn't passed yet and he's already attacked one of our territories." He looked at his fellow leaders with the most seriousness they hadn't seen from him.

"It's most likely a message." Deduced Ajuka "He's showing the underworld he's not messing around and he wants his demands me."

Sirzechs crossed his arms and sat back slightly "So a demonstration of power. He targeted a crucial spot and proved he could get away with it." He said and sighed "This is getting out of hand, the chances of this being resolved without violence continues to decrease." He says.

"Even though we have a month I think it's safe to say our minds are made up then." Said Falbium. They all turned to him. "We might as well prepare ourselves for a full-scale war. Tsk. I was hoping this meeting with the other factions would lead to peace and we end up with another war." He finished angrily.

"Looks like it." Serafall said uncharacteristically serious "I hoped Uzumaki could be reasoned with but now thousands of young devils are going to witness war as we had to grow up. Perhaps even worse. In any case, we'll have to discuss this with all of the clans, let them know what's coming."

Naruto of the RinneganOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora