Jack seemed to materialize next to you with a helmet in his hands.

"How did you?.... " you trailed off taking the helmet.

Jack gave a wink.  "I know you better than you think." You threw yourself on him in an excited attempt of a hug. "Thank you guys!"

Ratchet then approached you. "Be careful." You nodded and then looked at Arcee. "Ready when you are."

Arcee transformed down as you put on your helmet. Having you climb on when you were ready.

With a thumbs up and a wave you two were off. Zipping through the long tunnel and out into the bright Nevada landscape.

You felt the hot wind hit your body as you sped along the lonely road.  It felt so good to feel free. You took a deep breath of fresh air. Your mood had already lifted significantly.

Arcee's mirrors twitched to see you and a smile washed over her systems. "I see that you are already feeling better."

"Well of course! Thanks Arcee!"  Arcee just chuckled to herself.  "Anytime."

You started to near the small city and you felt excited. You missed getting out and seeing human civilization for a change. It was nice.  As long as you didn't have to interact with anyone.

You rode along the streets. Looking at all the buildings and people walking around. You couldn't help it but look around. It was hard trying to act like you were the one actually steering when you were constantly getting distracted.

"Scrap! " You were jolted out of your daze.

"What's wrong!? " you panicked. You were finally relaxed and now trouble?!

"That kid over there. In the car with the flames."

Your head snapped in the direction that arcee tried to show you. You instantly got a bad feeling.

"That's Vince isn't it." you groaned. From the description that Jack gave it seemed to match perfectly.

"We got to get out of here before he notices us." Arcee said sternly and tried to think of a good way not to draw attention.

Vince was a ways away heading towards you both as you were nearing the intersection. Without much of a warning arcee made a quick right then made another quick right and sped to the closest place to park out of view. You were hoping he didn't notice. But more than likely he did.

You both sat in silence and waited with baited breath. Until you knew that he was not going to follow. You could hear your heart whooshing in your ears from fear.

Once you thought the coast was clear you both heard the rumble of an engine getting closer.

You were in a alleyway and tried your best to hide in the shadows. You could feel arcee tense under you. You didn't fare any better.

Your heart nearly stopped as you saw Vince's car go by. Arcee's processor was much quicker than your mind and was already in motion by the time you could even process a single thought. She quickly backed out the other end of the alleyway.

You both had already almost made it to the other end when you saw Vince's car back up to the entrance of the alley.

Many swears; cybertronian and human; were flying off your lips as you both took off before Vince could get a good look. Or get any closer. You heard the roar of the teens engine and knew he wasn't just going to let you escape. Your heart hammered in your chest as adrenalin was running through your veins. Why won't this person just let go?! You gripped onto Arcee as she sped down the road. Escaping down the highway reaching speeds that you knew were over the limit.

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