Chapter 11

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(A/N I saw the new Annabelle movie with my friend the other night because I LOVE horror movies and the next day, one of my dumb ass friends left a bloody doll sitting in my backyard to scare me and it almost sent me into cardiac arrest lmao, fun times.)


Harley has been amazing through this. He's so strong. Whenever I need to cry, he just wraps me in his arms and lets me cry into his shoulder. Whenever I need to talk, he sits and listens. Whenever I want to stay silent, he doesn't push me to say anything. I know that Tony was special to him, too, but he's always there for me. Not ever even worrying about himself or his feelings. He just needs to be sure that I am okay.

I love him.

I'm doing a lot better. Slowly recovering. I always check up on Pops, and he's recovering too, just taking a little longer.

We're getting through this. Minute by minute.

Pops sat me down a few weeks after Dad died and told me something that's really helped me:

"Your dad," he said, "was amazing. He was the best husband and father you could ask for and we loved, and still love, him unconditionally. However," he sighed, "he would not want us to live this way. He would not want us to sit around mourning him and being depressed for the rest of our lives. It is sad, trust me I know it is," he wiped his eyes and lowered his head, "but we can't put our lives on hold. We have to keep living happily... the way Tony would want." He sniffed.

I flashed a small smile.

I mean, he's right. We can't just keep pitying ourselves and wishing we had a different reality because we don't. That's that. We can't get him back and we have to accept that and move on.


It's June now. Harley and I basically missed our first year of college. Honestly, though, after everything that's happened, school doesn't seem that important anymore. We'll go back to MIT in the fall but I'm not sure how that'll work. Maybe we'll have to redo our first year, or maybe they'll let us move up.

I mean, I am Tony Stark's son. And Harley kind of is too. Tony was the dad he never had.

We'll see. But for now, I think we're going to take it easy. No more superhero stuff, no more fighting, no more death.

Just me and Harley. The way it's supposed to be.

I think it's about time.

Harley is actually in Tennessee right now. He went down there to see his family as soon as he could. He called me and told me that they were okay and that they are very grateful for what my dad did.

He's coming back today. I can't wait to see him again. He's been down there for over a month now. I'm glad he has because he needs to spend time with his family, but I miss him.

I have a lot of questions. Is he an Avenger now? I mean he helped us in the biggest battle we've ever fought. He helped us defeat Thanos. And now, since my dad is gone, he could even take over as Iron Man. Or he could come up with his own cool name. Either way, I think that's pretty epic.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said.

Pops opened the door slowly and walked in. "Ready to go pick Harley up from the airport?" He asked.

Always ~ Parley/ParknerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora