A Mother's Love

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"We will never make it," Zoe said. "We are moving too slow. But we cannot leave the Ophiotaurus." 

"Mooo," Bessie said. He swam next to me as we jogged along the waterfront. We'd left the shopping center pier far behind. We were heading toward the Golden Gate Bridge, but it was a lot farther than I'd realized.

The sun was already dipping in the west."I don't get it," I said. "Why do we have to get there at sunset?"

"The Hesperides are the nymphs of the sunset," Zoe said. "We can only enter their gardens day changes into night."

"What happens if we miss it?"

"Tomorrow is the winter solstice. If we miss sunset tonight, we would have to wait until tomorrow evening. And by then, the Olympian Council will be over. We must free Lady Artemis tonight."

Skyler's POV

I had been placed in a room somewhere off the main deck of the ship. The room was nice. Really nice. In the center of the room was a queen-sized bed that looked just perfect to fall into and take a nice long nap. 

Which is exactly what I did.

I fell onto the bed and as soon as my body hit the soft comforter I was out like a light.

"You have made a wise decision girl."

I was surrounded by darkness but it wasn't the same dark cave I was used to in my dreams. I stood on what looked like the top of a mountain, fog swirled around the peak.

"I will give you what you desire."

"Skyler? Skye, come on wake up." Luke woke me. I had been moved from the comfort of the bed onto what felt like a leather couch on the observation deck.

I looked to my right seeing the golden sarcophagus of Kronos. The sarcophagus had a golden haze around it like it was getting stronger. "What have you done?" I muttered softly before my eyes fluttered shut again. I felt drained, like every ounce of my strength had been taken from me. The smell of saltwater burned my nostrils and I could tell the boat was moving from the small rocking motion.

Percy's POV

"We need a car. But there's nobody to help us here. Unless we, uh, borrowed one."

I didn't like that option. I mean, sure this was a life-or-death situation, but still, it was stealing, and it was bound to get us noticed.

"Wait," Thalia said. She started rifling through her backpack.

"There is somebody in SanFrancisco who can help us. I've got the address here somewhere."

"Who?" I asked.

Thalia pulled out two crumpled pieces of notebook paper and looked at them for a moment as if deciding which one to choose before holding one up. "Officer Allison Cross. Skyler's mom." 


I had never heard Skyler talk about her mom before but the woman I met was nothing like what I expected. Skyler's mother was tall, unlike her daughter. She had dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. She looked athletic which made sense I mean this woman was a cop. It was amazing how little Skye looked like her mother...

When Mrs. Cross opened the door she looked at us with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you children with something?"

"Allison Cross?" Thalia asked. Mrs. Cross crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame.

"Yes. That's me." She said, her voice laced with suspicion.

"We're friends of Skyler," I said.

"Skyler?" She straightened as if I'd just given her an electric shock. "Is she all right? Has something happened?"

I looked toward Thalia and Zoe, expecting one of them to answer. But neither of them did.

"I think you lot better come inside." Mrs. Cross said, stepping out of the way and opening the door further.

The house was nice, well organized and full of life. Everywhere I looked there was a type of house plant I'd never seen or some kind of glass tank with some kind of reptile or assorted fish in it. On the couch, there was a honey-colored cat sprawled out while it took what I assumed wasn't it's first nap of the day.

She lead the three of us into the kitchen where she gestured for us to sit around the dark chestnut table. One of the four chairs was piled high with what I guessed were case files of San Fransico criminals and on top of those files sat a disgruntled looking African Grey Parrot.

"Don't mind him. He looks nasty but he's a big sweetheart." Mrs. Cross said, taking a pitcher out of the fridge. "You kids look hungry."

I was about to decline but my stomach growled loudly. Mrs. Cross chuckled and pulled out four glasses, placing them and the pitcher on the table.

"Mrs. Cross--"

"Please call me Allison." She said, cutting Thalia off.

Thalia looked like it was the most difficult thing she had ever tried to say as she tried again. "Mrs-- Allison-- Skyler is in trouble."

Allison looked up from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she was making and her expression darkened. It's like she went full cop mode after the reminder of her daughter. "Tell me everything."

It wasn't easy, but we tried. Meanwhile, the afternoon light was fading outside. We were running out of time. When we'd finished both explaining and our sandwiches Mrs. Cross had moved her files and the grey parrot rested on her shoulder. "That stupid girl...Always looking for trouble that one."

"Ma'am, we need transportation to Mount Tamalpais," Zoe said. "And we need it immediately."

Allison nodded. "Of course. I'll drive you up there."

"Just a car would be great. And it might be better if we went without you. It's too dangerous." Thalia said, after taking a sip of the cold lemonade we had been offered.

Allison frowned uncomfortably. "Now wait a minute, young lady. I can't just go giving my car to anyone. And besides, I'm a cop. I can't go letting three teenagers go driving off into danger without an adult--"

"I can drive, ma'am. I'm not as young as I look. I promise not to destroy your car." Zoe said calmly.

I waited for Mrs. Cross to say no. I mean, what mortal parent would allow three teenagers to borrow their car? What were we thinking? To my surprise, Mrs. Cross nodded. "Then you lot better get going."

The parrot let out a loud squawk and flapped its wings frantically. "You should go. Now. The car's outback." I was confused but the parrot squawked a few more times.

"Thank you." Thalia said as Allison showed us out the back door.

"Percy," Mrs. Cross called as I was leaving, "tell Skye... Tell her she still has a home here, will you? Remind her of that."I took one last look at the cozy-looking living room behind her.

"I'll tell her," I promised.

We ran out to the black SUV parked in the driveway. The sun was going down. I figured we had less than an hour to save Annabeth, Artemis, and Skyler...

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