♡ Chapter Fifteen ♡

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Peter hates that his reaction to almost any strong emotion is crying, but with his pounding headache from his hangover and the panic that tears at his insides and the tiredness that hangs off his bones, he can't help it.

He curls up in Tony's hoodie and sweats on his shitty old mattress and cries into his pillow.

The hickeys covering his chest and thighs and neck make him feel like a slut. Makes him feel used and scared and he wonders briefly if he really lost his virginity the night before but couldn't remember it or if they didn't go that far. He can't remember and he can't reach Tony.

It's makes him feel smaller and younger than he's felt in a long time with the fear coursing through his body. He feels like when he was told his parents died in that car accident when he was five or when he watched Ben die or when May told him about her illness.

He feels young and small and like the world is trying to crush him.

He might've lost his virginity and his best friend in one night.

And he's terrified.


Hours later, after crying himself to sleep, he wakes up to someone knocking at his front door.

There's a moment where he thinks that it has to be Tony. Who else would be at his door? And of course he'd want to be talk about this in person. It makes perfect sense.

But then he realizes that Tony's phone wasn't even on. It's obvious that Tony doesn't want to talk to him at all. Why would he just show up at Peter's door out of the blue only hours after he turned off his phone.

So when he opens his door, he's unsurprised to find Steve standing in his hallway.

Peter's about to point out Steve's red-rimmed eyes and flushed face, before he realizes he probably looks no better.

Instead of mentioning any of that, he simply opens his door wider and allows Steve into his apartment.

"Hey," he murmurs, voice hoarse and rough from just waking up. He thinks about offering food or something to drink, but he doesn't think he has anything to suffice.

"Sorry for just showing up unannounced," Steve mumbles, dropping his head into his hands the moment he sits at Peter's dining table.

"That's fine. My door's always open... Literally. I'm pretty sure the lock is broken," Peter says anxiously, sitting across from Steve. "What brings you here?"

"My parents are getting a divorce," Steve blurts. He looks up at Peter, eyes reflecting the confusion and inner turmoil he's definitely feeling inside. "I found out when I got home from school today."

"I'm sorry," Peter says. What else is he supposed to say? He's never had to see a divorce happen. His parents loved each other, and May and Ben loved each other.

Steve's eyebrows furrow in contemplation. "I don't think it's a bad thing. My dad hasn't been the greatest to me and Scott, and him and mom get into fights all the time. They're constantly arguing. I think it's for the better... I'm just... overwhelmed."

"Is Scott doing okay?"

"Him and Thor's little brother, Loki, are close friends, so he's staying there for the night. My parents are trying to get everything settled as fast as they can. For our sakes, I think. I just didn't want to have to watch my dad go apartment hunting and my mom sorting through our stuff to pick what my dad gets to keep," Steve explains tiredly.

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