♡ Chapter Four ♡

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He knows he'll regret this, but it's fun.

And right now, that's the only thing he can bring himself to care about.


Waking up after being so drunk at six in the morning is definitely one of Peter's worst experiences.

He's not wearing pants, but he's alone in the bedroom so he decides it should be alright.

"Thank god you're up. I should've kept a better eye on you last night," Tony says, walking into the room with a small laugh. He's carrying Peter's jeans and a new shirt in one hand and in the other he has a pill bottle and a glass of water.

"What happened?" Peter groans, slowly dragging himself into a sitting position. "The last thing I can remember is dancing with Thor."

Tony visibly winces as he passes the water and two pills to Peter.

"You got fucking hammered, man. You danced for hours and you kept drinking whatever people would give you. Thank god none of it was drugged or I might've been forced to take your ass to the hospital. That would've been a shitty way to spend today if I had to wait in a hospital room to make sure you weren't dead," Tony explains.

"Really? Where'd you go?"

Tony winces again as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I really should've been watching you, but I went to see Steve. He was playing foosball and beer pong, and let's be real here, neither of us were particularly sober... We hooked up in the bathroom. By the time I got back, you were long gone."

"You hooked up with Steve?" Peter exclaims, jaw-dropping. He never would've seen that coming. It's not that they seem to dislike each other, it's just that they don't run in the same circles at school.

"Yeah... probably a mistake on my part, but hey, it was a party and we were both pretty drunk. It's not the first time it's happened," Tony admits with a frown.

"Not the first time?" Peter echoes. "I honestly didn't take either of you to be the type of people to hook up in stranger's bathrooms."

"Really? I'm pretty known for doing that, unfortunately... Anyways, if you want to make your seven am shift, you should probably hop in the shower. Thor says it's fine," Tony says, standing again. "You threw up all over your clothes so I got you more or less changed before getting you to bed. I didn't want you sleeping in your gross clothes. Your clothes have been washed courtesy of Thor's younger brother so you can take a shower. I'll see if I can get some breakfast together for you."

"Okay. Thank you. And if you see him, tell Thor's brother I say thank you as well," Peter says, ignoring his pounding headache as he drags himself back to his aching feet.

"No problem. I'll see you downstairs."


When Peter gets downstairs, he's surprised to see the dining room table full of people.

"Hey, Peter!" Thor greets, smiling brightly. "We're having breakfast if you want to join us."

Tony shrugs, a look of confused panic behind his eyes. He obviously had no idea this was going to happen.

Peter takes the last open seat beside Tony, awkwardly smiling at the family sitting around the table.

"This is my family. My younger brother, Loki, my older sister, Hela, and my parents. I know this is a little out of the blue, but normally nobody stays after my parties," Thor explains, gesturing around the table.

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to, um, to stay over," Peter murmurs nervously. Tony puts some food on his face, mumbling something about energy for his long work shift.

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