♡ Chapter Eight ♡

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Peter didn't sleep much that night, focusing on catching up on all his homework. Since May got sick, he's been prioritizing a lot of things over homework, but at this rate, he won't be going to University unless he scores a full scholarship. Even then, he won't be able to leave May by herself especially when her time would be running out. He wouldn't be able to go far away for University while she stays bedridden.

He knows it's bad. Either he stays up all night working to keep the roof over his head, or he stays up all night to keep his head above the sea of homework that threatens to drown him constantly.

He knows it's bad, but he doesn't really have any other choices. It is what it is.

While waiting for Tony, Peter makes sure to grab some more pudding cups from the hospital cafeteria, tucking them in his backpack like they're the most important thing in the world. He gets changed into the spare pair of clothes he had tucked into his backpack, not really wanting to continue smelling like booze for the rest of the day again. He brushes his teeth and washes his hands for a long time in the little sink in May's room, another luxury he doesn't get to do when he's home without water. He fills up his empty water bottles, a habit he picked up when he was full-time online. He didn't have the luxury of the water fountain's at school. There's a lot of luxuries that Peter doesn't get to have.

May wakes up while he's bustling around the room to get his things together and she offers another one of her tired, strained smiles, pushing herself into a halfway sitting position.

"Have fun at school, baby," she murmurs, pride shining in her eyes as she pushes her glasses onto her face. "One of these days, you'll have to bring your friends up to meet me."

And even though Peter knows he would never do something like that, he doesn't want anyone to pity him more than they already do, he nods anyways.

"Sounds good. I love you," he replies with as much reassurance and excitement as he can through the veil of exhaustion. It's habit. "I'm working most nights this week, but I'll try to visit again as soon as I can."

"Don't overwork yourself," she says, the little bits of her motherly protection shining through. It doesn't happen very often anymore because he's been the one to take care of her more often than the other way around.

And he nods again, a blatant lie. He can't remember the last night he hasn't overworked himself.

"Get some rest today. Text me if you need anything. Tell the nurses I'll call on my lunch break today." It's not a secret that they'll want to talk. He's still way behind on payments despite his empty bank account and empty change jars and empty energy.

"Will do. Don't worry about me, I'll be here," she says. "I love you."

"Love you too, May."

And if his voice wavers, blinking back tears, neither of them mentions it.


"You look pretty tough with the whole bruised look going on," Tony comments when Peter slides into passenger with a long sigh. He leans across and kisses Tony on the cheek before letting himself slump in the seat.

"I seriously doubt that," he mutters, rolling his eyes half-heartedly. "The only thing they're doing for me right now is hiding how tired I am."

"Late night?" Tony says, reaching a hand out to squeeze Peter's thigh comfortingly.

"That Spanish homework was absolute insanity," he groans, rolling his eyes again and cracking open his window. "Writing a 15-page Spanish essay? That's- That's crazy."

"We've had all semester to do it. It's been like two months. If it makes you feel any better, I only started last weekend," the rich boy replies with a playful grin. He seems genuinely happy and Peter can't help the gasp that escapes him when Tony's sunglasses slip down to reveal a painful-looking black eye.

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