Take Sairaorg for example, he was basically disowned for not inheriting the Bael clan's power of destruction. She and Rias were forced into marriage contracts, and a school that could help the devils become stronger was ridiculed again for the same concept of status. Then Naruto tells her that he wants her to go to a safe spot with her clan to avoid the fighting.

She allowed a magical circle to appear underneath her and took off. She had a lot to think about.


Naruto appeared at the gates of the Phenex estate once more. He was let inside by one of the family maids and was taken to wherever Riser was at the moment. He was in his room watching footage of old rating game's from some of the strongest devils out there when he heard the door open.

Realizing it was Naruto he paused the video and turned to his old friend. "So, what's the news?" Riser asked.

"Everything is almost set, the Phenex estate is ready in Silbern for your arrival. There's still some minor preparations to be set but for the most part we're ready. If the Satan's don't deliver within the month, it's war." Naruto said as he took a seat across from Riser. Both men relatively calm considering that their making war plans.

"War is almost guaranteed at this point." Started Riser "They've canceled the young devils gathering and will most likely begin preparing for war soon. Most of the clan heads have been meeting lately and more times than not you can tell some arguing goes on."

"I've expected that much, they're too stubborn to give into my demands. In any case those from your clan who choose not to fight will be kept in Silbern until the war is over, while those who choose to fight will be going back and forth between here and there."

Riser nods at the information "Most of us are willing to fight. We've had enough disrespect at the hands of the Satan's. The fiasco with the wedding was the final straw." He says angrily. In the back of his mind he knew that he wouldn't be marrying Rias because of her family. Luckily for him though Naruto came through.

"Speaking of fighting, who else has joined you besides the Khaos Brigade?"

"So far it's me, my peerage, The Phenex, possibly some of the Sitri, and I'm going to be talking to the Agares clan after leaving here today."

"Think they'll join up with you? If It helps any I've heard through some sources that Seekvaira is to be pushed into her own marriage contract. A bit late but the elder devils still believe that we don't have enough Pureblooded devils and that we'll soon be gone."

"I'm sure they will, they've been unhappy for a long time now. Vaira would always complain to me about what was going on in her family when she was frustrated. Not only that but if what you just said is true I think I have a way to get them to join me." Naruto commented.

"And I'm sure you did everything in your power to help her 'release her frustrations' right?" Riser adds with a smirk.

Naruto said nothing but allowed the corners of his mouth to twitch upward.

"AHH I knew it." The Phenex laughs with his friend.

"Shut up, anyways I just figured I'd let you know what's going on. You're welcome to leave anytime you want just let me know. Do you happen to have a teleportation card to the Agares estate?" Naruto asked

Riser stands up and rummages through a drawer for a few seconds before pulling out a white card with the Agares Clan crest on it.

"We do. Almost every family has one to get them to the gates of the other clans, though it doesn't let you inside." He activates it on the ground and it expands.

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