Chapter 20

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Last chapter!!

Scar's POV

Being out on the beach brought back a million memories of my mom, and i couldn't help but smile at the thought. So many times she would take my hand, and we would count down from ten, and charge into the ocean, making it a game of who could get the farthest without falling over. Seeing as i was the clumsiest child in the world, my mom always won. But she was amazingly graceful, so it didn't surprise me. Aunt Liz was really graceful, too, but in more of a spunky, lively way. I guess i didn't inherit the 'grace' gene from either of them, seeing as I'm almost always falling, or screwing something up. A lot more lately than usual.

What am i going to do without Aunt Liz? She was the only person i could turn to. The next time i see my dad, how hard will he hit me, and who will be there to stop him? No one. I have no one now. That's why I'm staying here. I have to. I can't see my dad. I can't go back to Los Angeles and have no one. I'll miss the boys more than anything, but I just can't go back and be alone.

"Scarlett?" A voice came from behind me, and the second i heard it, I snapped out of my thoughts. I couldn't believe it. No. It couldn't be. How could he ever find out where i am? He knew nothing about this beach house. How did he find me?!

I turned around slowly, and sure enough, I was now standing face to face with Niall. A slow smile formed on his face, and it was almost as if he bragging that he found me. Damn it. Why did he have to find me? I said goodbye. I told him how i felt. That was supposed to be the end of it, but now he's standing in front of me and all these feelings are rushing through me and I just want to hug and kiss him and make him stay with me forever.

"Niall.. how did you-" "Your dad loves you, ya know. He has a hard time showing it, and he has made some massive mistakes, but when it comes down to it, he really does love you." He said simply, as if it was just a simple fact the whole word knew. But it wasn't. It was a lie. "Niall, how do you even know anything about my dad? How did you find me?" I spoke, secretly uncomfortable with how much distance was between us. He held my eyes as i spoke, and i saw something soften in them, almost as if it hurt to think about whatever was going on in that beautiful mind of his. "Scar, how could you just walk away? I know you're going through a hard time, but how could you leave us like that? You just left a goodbye letter and took off to a different country, expecting us to just be okay with it and to not do anything to find you. We love you, Scar. You're part of One Direction now, and believe or not, it's gonna stay that way." He said, finally walking towards me. He closed the space between us, taking me into his arms, and squeezing as if he hadn't seen me in a year. And in all honesty, it felt that way, too. I melted into his arms, unable to keep my walls up around him. I've already let him in. It's too late now to try to force the walls back up around me. He has that affect on me. With him, no matter how much I'd love to deny it, I feel safe.

"Honestly, part of me knew you'd come find me." I whispered into his chest, still breathing in his scent that i missed so much. "How's that?" He mumbled into my hair, still squeezing as tight as ever. I pulled back from his chest and broke us apart slightly, and connected our eyes as I did. "Cause you love me." I whispered, my voice breaking as i became overwhelmed with the feelings i always possessed when i was near him.

Niall quickly wiped away a tear that fell, and took my face into his hands as he held my gaze, preparing to speak. "Come back to Los Angeles, Scar. Please." He pleaded, and I couldn't help but want to just say yes then and there. "Niall, if i go back, I'll be alone. Aunt Liz is gone now. Who else do i have?!" My voice broke again as the tears overflowed in my eyes, blurring the vision of the beautiful blonde-haired boy in front of me.

"You're wrong, Scar. You have me. You'll always have me. And you have the boys. We love you, Scar. I love you. I'll take care of you. Nothing bad will happen to you anymore. I promise." His voice slowly became just a whisper, and I studied his eyes as i took in his words. I was so stupid. All this time, I thought that I'd be so alone, and no one would be there, but Niall has been there from the day i met him. How could i not realize this before?! Niall was my angel. My past was the demon. It shouldn't work so well together, but for some reason the universe will never be able to explain, it just did.

Opposite's attract, I suppose. He was the angel who saved me from my own past. From my own demons.

"Okay. I will. I love you, Niall." And with those words, i put my walls down from the world, and let Niall Horan save me.. from me.



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