Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

When I found her bible, I remembered what I had read in the one Mr. Freeman had given me, but I didn't understand it, the words were not what my brain could comprehend, and neither was Jazz's. Kami, gave me an easier to read version, and a peace that I had longed to for, had finally came to me, and none of that matters now, I'm about to die.

Money, that will be the cause of my death. They are so greedy, that they'll kill me for the money, but they won't get it. The money they seek is in a place they'll never find, and I won't tell them. I can't. If they want to let greed consume them and destroy me then so be it. I was forced into hiding because my faith has made me a better person. I knew I could escape their greed, and they decided to make it impossible, but when they did that, they also lost their precious money.

Breathing in and out deeply Jasmine tilted her head back and stared up at the ceiling, her body no longer shaking, and her tears no longer falling. I am scared. Dear Lord above, I know I am not strong enough to endure what is to come, but I pray that as my final hours come to a close that you wrap your protective arms around me, and that despite the pain I am about to feel, that your peace floods through my veins.

I know I have wavered, and for that I beg your forgiveness. I began to lose sight of why I am here, why I set out on this journey. I did it for you. I wanted to follow you. I wanted to be a believer in you, and despite how much I said I believed, I feel that I have failed you, and for that I beg your forgiveness.

In this the final hour of my imprisonment, I ask that you stay with me, Don't, let me walk alone, please. I know that I am unworthy of such a request, but I humbly ask you to be with me, my heart yearns to feel your presence. I remember in Matthew chapter seven verse seven and eight it says, "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." I'm choosing to believe in you, I give you all that I am, please stay with me. In Lord and Jesus' name, Amen.

Jasmine sat quietly staring up at the ceiling in her room, and when her ears caught the tell-tale sound of Mike's heavy footfalls coming up the stairs, her heart began a frantic race in her chest. Briefly closing her eyes, steeling herself for what's to come Jasmine gracefully climbed to her feet, just as the locks on her door started to click open one by one.

As Mike entered the room he smiled, a slow evil smile, his dark eyes glinting with malicious intent. Shutting the door behind him he stalks forward, much like a predator stalking his prey, standing just feet away he quietly coos, "Nothing, boss said you took the money from the bank before you left for hiding, if you give the money back this instant, nothing bad will happen to you."

"What makes you think my Father is telling you the truth? How could I have taken so much money, without anyone noticing, after all I was under twenty-four-hour lock down." Jasmine calmly replies her head raised high.

Mike froze for a millisecond, then he smirked, "You're trying to play games with me Nothing, but it won't work. Boss also said that your old friend, Kamillia, I think that's her name, was caught snooping around the yard."

At the mention of Kami's name Jasmine gasped her eyes going wide. Oh no no not Kami. Why would she go near the house? I just saw her at Thanksgiving, besides looking a little sad she seemed okay. Why would she now be caught near the house, unless......unless she pieced it together and went for the hidden note. Oh, Kami. No. God please protect her. Forget about staying with me, please keep her safe please.

Mike grinned at Jasmine's surprised and fearful look as he continued, "Yeah, she's being detained and interrogated where you were once held prisoner. You could save her all you have to do is give us the money."

Licking her lips, her breathing ragged, Jasmine whispered, "I don't have it. It's already gone. Don't harm her. She knows nothing. I haven't spoken to her since before the meeting that landed me here. Leaver her alone."

Cocking an eyebrow in the air Mike taunts, "You sure are protective of her, the nosy bitch, and for some reason I don't believe you, perhaps I should have them send me a recording of her torture, maybe that'll make you honest."

"NO," Jasmine shouted running forward determined to make sure Mike wouldn't be able to make such a call.

Mike seemed to be expecting such a reaction, because he moved swifter than lightening, grabbing her arm, twisting it painfully up behind her back his spare hand wrapping around her throat pulling her back against his chest.

Whimpering both from pain and shock Jasmine stood still in his grasp as he smelled her hair, and when he spoke his voice tickled her ear, making her flinch, "That was very naughty Nothing, you should know better by now. But don't worry, your friend is in good hands, they'll make sure she squeals all she knows, and then we might ransom what's left of her to her father. If anything is left."

Jasmine feebly struggled against Mike's grasp as he nuzzled his nose against her ear, "Now, I get to interrogate you. Unless you want to confess, where the money is? This is your last chance, Nothing, where is the money?"

Frantically thinking of somewhere Jasmine blurted out, "I donated it before I left the bank, I put it into envelopes and sent it to the different charities I had promised money to. I felt guilty that I was cancelling their concerts."

Tilting her head back Mike looked deep into her eyes, before sighing feigning mock disappointment, "You've just wasted your last chance Nothing. You're lying, and now I'm going to have to torture the information out of you."

Shaking her head frantically Jasmine pleaded, "No, I'm telling you the truth please, you have to believe me."

Reaching into his back-pocket Mike pulls out a set a silver hand cuffs and swiftly fastens Jasmine's hands tightly behind her back. Wrapping his arms around her waist Mike whispers softly in her ear, "Boss said I could go full blown torture mode, that means I finally get to do what I've wanted to do since the safe house, you're about to regret ever becoming a Christian, and about to regret taking the money."

As Mike's hands started to move Jasmine whispered, "No, I will never regret becoming a Christian, and I will never tell you where the money is. You'll have to kill me."

Shoving Jasmine to the floor Mike spat, "You'll find there are far worse things than death, and you are about to experience each and every one."

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