• Chapter Four •

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She was better than rain and sunsets and golden seashells and everything else that occupied Stiles' mind at the end of every evening. Her heart was an open book and she rode around in shopping carts like it was a brand new car, ushering him to push her faster down emptier aisles. She smiled like she had always just heard the worlds funniest joke but only ever laughed when Stiles told it and usually doubled over at his simplest puns or remarks. They were young and in love and they would scream it from the rooftops just to tell everyone so.

There's a silence to their neighborhood this early. It was nothing uneasy, in fact it was a soothing quiet that neither of them dared to break. They hadn't slept, up all night in her room sharing stories and ideas and kisses and questions. She'd asked why he liked her, why he ever liked her at all and he smiled and whispered a million different things until she was blushing too hard, asking him to stop. He grabbed her hand, murmured something about the sunrise, and dragged her out of bedroom window to the beach. Backs against the sand, they didn't mind how it stuck to their skin, just how they did mind the silence. Waves crashed and both teens were sucked into the pink and orange of the early morning sky.

"Isaac's on about the carnival," Stiles finally mumbles, voice groggy.
"Oh yeah?"

More silence ensues, wrapped around them and tucked neatly like a blanket.

She asks, "Should we go?"
"Dunno. Don't really trust those things."

He tenses suddenly. This is the moment. This is the opportunity to fess up about the summer of Malia Tate. It would be rough, sure. There's no doubt Lydia would either scream, cry, or silently storm away. But if he admits it before someone else gets the chance to tell her, maybe the blow will soften, maybe she'll forgive him, maybe they'll return to soft summer sands and three month romances eventually.

"Lyds," he's still quiet.
"What is it?"
The sky rolls over purple for a moment, "I..."
He falls short.
There's no way.
"I don't know, I just felt the need to say something." He's a damn liar and he knows it.
But she's chuckling. "You felt like talking?"
"What a strange notion."

He hurts. It's a painful thing. Because losing her, even for a moment, was not worth that summer for a single second.

Authors note:
Short but it's an update so TAKE IT.
Comment read enjoy!

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