Episode 2: Aspirations

Start from the beginning

"Wait but I- you," Lute trailed off, staring at her.


"I was f-following you! You were by the river and used that magic to cross the water. I got stuck with you until you confronted those Spirle Frogadier, and then all this water came in and swamped us over here. We barely made it," he explained, shaking his paws. Sylveon looked more and more lost with every word.

"I dunno what you're talking about, but just- okay, whatever. I'm gettin' outta here," she dismissed. She searched side to side briefly, and then stumbled off. She chose to walk in the opposite direction the river was heading in.

"That's the wrong way!" he cried with a paw stuck out.

"Oh yeah? How do you know?" She challenged.

"We were carried by the river. That means we'll be going back on ourselves if we go in the opposite direction of the current. If we follow the current, we'll reach wherever the river meets the sea," he explained. "But I know this cave, too. If we can get out of the cave, we can find our way back to town."

"Then I'm counting on you, genius," she replied, strolling toward him. Lute watched until she was right behind him, where she slapped him lightly with a feeler. "Well then? Get moving if you know the way out."

"I just... wait I'm so confused. Why am I leading now?" he cocked his head.

"Because you're the one that got me into this mess, you're the one that knows the way out, so therefore, you're the one that's gonna take responsibility and get me out," Sylveon reasoned, half lidded. "And don't try anything funny. I know how to snap necks."

Lute cringed at the thoughts that put in his head. He couldn't help but feel bullied by the statement, but when he turned to start their trek, he realised that part of it was true. This Sylveon was clearly very powerful and was busy taking on some important mission. If he had actually listened to her rather than worrying about his own judgement, he wouldn't have gotten stuck in the river cave and she wouldn't have had to account for him when dealing with those Frogadier.

Still, one problem at a time. Right now, he needed to keep walking and find that exit. He was either going to throw up thanks to the amalgamation of stenches, or not knowing whether it was mud or dung his feet kept sinking into. He felt hungry, weak, dirty, and above all else, worried about what was going to happen next. Suddenly not knowing was the scariest thing.

"Are... you going to tell me why you came here?" he asked after a while of walking. There was barely a change in the surroundings.

"That's a funny question to ask. But I'm fairly sure it's none of your business," she answered.

He went quiet for a moment. "What's your name?"

"Also a funny question to ask. But this time, it's just because you've got to tell me yours, first," she said, a light smile showing on her face.

"I'm Lute, Lute Violets. I'm a student at Everend school, in my last year," he introduced with his own light smile. Phew, we're getting somewhere now.

"Lute. That's... a good name. I'll remember it," she replied. She started to slow down, and raised her head. She murmured a few thoughts when Lute slowed down for her, and then grabbed her head with a feeler. "I... can't think straight. You'll have to forgive me."

"Is your head still hurting? My scarf's still clean, if you want to use it," Lute suggested.

"Not it's not that, it's... I... don't know. I-I can't think of my own name right now," she said, downing her ears. "Oh gods, I don't know my own name, I don't know why or how I'm here, I–"

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