Chapter 2: The Missing Man

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It's a warm day, although the sun is no where to be seen. A perfect day to make your hair frizz. You head over to the magazine stand to see the latest fashion trends and maybe spot yourself. There are newspapers too, but you rarely look at those unless a headline catches your eye. Unfortunately one did.

(Art credit: Hanh Chu)You gasp in horror

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(Art credit: Hanh Chu)
You gasp in horror. Your eyes start to water as you grab the newspaper and walk up to the seller. "Is there any other newspaper article related to this!?" You ask, your voice shaking. The man looks closer at the article and hands you a different newspaper. You rapidly read over it, only to realize it's no different than the other one. Thankfully though this one mentioned the detective agency: "Tricel Agencies". I have to go there, maybe I can help with the case... or at least learn more. You spot a carriage cab and tell the coachman the address. "Sure I can take you there. C-c-could I maybe get your autograph?" He mumbles. You shake your head and hop into the carriage.

The sound of horses neighing fills your ears. You can feel the weather getting colder. Everyone seems to be in such a rush, going in and out of shops, hurrying down the streets, while others simply sit with a cup of coffee and watch the people go by. At last the detective agency comes into view. "That'll be 6 shillings miss" declares the coachman. You pay him and run towards the building. Looks quite professional, I'm sure they'll find Joseph in no time.
The doorbell chimes as you walk in. You spot a woman sitting at her desk, you also notice a door leading inside and some chairs. This must be the waiting room. You walk up to the lady and being to talk. "Hello, I've come here hoping to get more information on the case involving Joseph Desaulnier. He would often be the photographer in my photo shoots. He's somewhat of a friend to me and I'm very concerned for him. Any extra information would be a great help for my wellbeing." You try to give puppy dog eyes but your age has long taken away the effect. She sighs and tells you to go sit and wait. As you take your seat you see a man who also seems to be waiting; his face burrowed in a newspaper. Suspicious...

The woman walks through the door, then 10 minutes later she comes out again. She comes up to you with a smile on her face and shakes your hand "Nice to meet you, my name is Mary. I've just spoken with the detectives, they'd like to meet you. They are available now." You nod your head and follow her. You both go through the door; continuing down the hall way. You enter a room, inside you see two guys writing things down. One of them turns towards you and motions towards the chair. After you're seated they both turn to you and introduce themselves "Greetings, I'm John and this is my partner Charles. Ms. Mary here is a detective in training, she tells me that you knew Mr. Desaulnier. Could you tell us a little bit about him? We've talked to most of his friends but not anyone who's worked with him." For a brief moment you wonder about his family, but then you begin to speak.

"Well um... he is a very kind man. He takes great pictures obviously. The most fun photo shoots I've had was when he is the photographer." The more you start to talk about him the more you start to blush "During the lunch breaks he would often eat pastries. A very good looking guy, but there was always a slight sadness inside him. Probably because of his brother." You tell them. John scratches his head "This is all uh.. nice um, information. Was there anything unusual about him? Anything unusual that he did or said?" Asked John. Somehow his comment offends you, but you still answer his question "One thing that I thought was a bit odd was that after the photo shoot was done he would ask me to pose with a fearful face, he would ask the other models to do the same as well. Even though he would ask us to do this every photo shoot I've never seen the fearful pictures on any magazine... could it be that he was keeping those pictures for himself?!" The realization hit you, and you start to sweat as well as get a stomachache. W-w-whyyy would he want to keep pictures of people being afraid?? Was he? Was he a psych- NO No noooo I'm just over reacting. Hah he's an artist after all, he probably was just making some beautiful collage... You finally manage to reassure yourself and listen to what the detective has to say. The two men mumble between each other, and John pulls out something from under his desk. Pictures!

He hands them over to you. Your eyes widen as you look over them, these were some of the pictures he took of the models looking scared! John begins to talk "If you said he took these types of pictures at every shoot than there must be much more of these, but we've searched the entire house and couldn't find more. Which means he took some pictures with him!" Then Charles chimed in "This also leads us to the conclusion that he just willingly left, because other things around the house have gone missing too! Such as clothes, shoes, his photography equipment and his luggage! The idea of him getting kidnapped would also be strange unless someone wanted to hold him for ransom, but it has been 5 days and no one has received any demands!" Cried Charles. You give them a strange look "If he left voluntarily than why don't you just drop the case?" You ask. The men frown their faces and in a low but stern tone they say "Because he's either done something bad, or is about to." What they just said angers you very much and you jolt up heading to the door, but before you step out of the room you turn "Call my agent if you actually get some useful information." And with that you step out.
You walk into the waiting room and notice that the man with the newspaper has left. It's already night, you look up and watch the beautiful stars. Oh where could Joseph be? I wish I had told him my true feelings before he went missing. If I ever encounter him again, I'll be sure to tell him. Your thoughts are interrupted when someone walks up right behind you. You want to run, but before you do, the person speaks.

"I know where Joseph is, and I can take you to him"

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