Ch.5 Meeting Another God and Surprising Everyone

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A/N: Loki is alive here, just because I am ignoring the whole Infinity War and End Game situation. There will be Alternate Universe situations, that get semi-explained in this chapter. These are (Katriona's Thoughts), 'Emphasis of the word', and *sounds*.

Thor's booming voice was filled with mirth as he stated, "LOKI IS MY ADOPTED LITTLE BROTHER, RIGHT NOW HE IS FAR TOO BUSY WITH ASGUARDIAN MATTERS TO PULL OFF AN ELABORATE TRICK LIKE THIS!" "Besides he would be far too vain to pull off a disguise that is so uh... well um lacking in stature," Steve said getting quieter towards the end, but apparently everyone else heard him, they just shot glares at him. "Steven Grant Rogers I know your ma taught you better than that!" Bucky said in a disappointed tone before I cut in with, "Hold up Bucky, now Steve, are you of 'all people', saying that I am 'short'?" Then Steve said apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say.." I cut him off with mild annoyance in my voice, "No Steve, you meant what you said, maybe next time, think a bit more before you say something. Now get out of my kitchen! Matter of fact, everyone out! I have dinner to make."

They all filed out, Steve in the lead while shooting me glances that ranged from confused to apologetic. Then Bucky spoke from just behind me spooking me a little, "I'll have to help that punk remember that his ma tried to instill a little more respect in him than what he just showed you." He then left with a weird smirk on his face, speaking to Natasha who was right beside the doorway, "Hey Nat, do you think that if we have a team match-up in the training room it will work to help Steve remember his manners faster?" I couldn't hear her reply as they had moved out of my earshot, but I was sure that Steve would definitely learn from his slip-up, at their hands before the day was out.

(Time skip brought to you by Dinners amazing aroma)

I had stepped into the main living room to meet Sam and Rhodey, while I had Bruce watch dinner for me. As we were exchanging pleasantries the elevator doors opened to reveal a tall rather skinny man with long black hair who said, "I have a minor matter that I need to discuss with my brother where might I find him?" That's when I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen so I went to investigate followed by the others. We were stunned to see Thor and Bucky arguing over who's turn it was to test the flavor of the next pan while the other was to keep Bruce from coming to get me. I had heard enough to know that it wasn't going to end well, when the man who hadn't yet introduced himself whispered to me, before taking a seat in the dining nook to watch, "I see that my brother has yet to lose his boorish ways, even among more civilized company, such as yourself little one."

This just added fuel to the fire that had started to kindle with Steve's slip-up earlier, now I was well and truly mad. So spying a handy tool, to keep the insufferably arrogant man occupied, I said, "Here hold this! I don't need him getting a hold of it, he would destroy my kitchen." As he was spluttering about something like how could a tiny Midgardian be worthy of 'mew-mew', I grabbed one of the many rubber spatulas off the baking station, rounded the island to deal with my newest trouble-makers, I yelled at both of them, "Get your grubby mitts off my utensils and out of my cooking!" while swatting their hands for good measure.

Unfortunately for poor Bruce's glasses, they took the worst of it, as Thor jerked his hand back he elbowed Bruce in the face. The loud crack of his glasses breaking made everyone stop suddenly in complete shock. I couldn't see around Bucky, who had suddenly shuffled me over by the dining nook, but it seemed as if Thor was trying to calm Bruce down. It didn't work, because next thing I knew the big green guy was sitting in my kitchen, yelling in Thor's face, "Stupid god break puny Banner's glasses now Hulk break stupid god's face!" Thor held out his hand, for what I assumed was his hammer, I quickly placed my hand on top and quietly said, "No!".

The hammer didn't so much as budge, then with as much authority as I could muster, I said, "No! Not in 'my kitchen' you don't!" This stunned everyone, including Hulk who just started chuckling and then said, "Stupid god lose hammer to the baby woman!" "Would someone get this off of me now!" the man who I'm still not sure of his name yet groaned. "shut your pie hole mister I'm too important to introduce myself properly." I snapped in his direction, all while trying to ignore how tiny I felt with Hulk towering over us, while still sitting on the floor. "Now Thor, you need to apologize to Hulk for breaking Bruce's glasses. Hulk I want you to say you are sorry to Thor for calling him names." I said. At this Hulk sent a glare my way saying, "How is baby woman gonna make Hulk say sorry to stupid god?"

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