CH. 4 You didn't see that coming!

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AN: Stuff These are (Katriona's Thoughts), 'Emphasis of the word', and *sounds*.

Friday responded after the doors had closed. "The list of ingredients you need for the meal you have planned will all be delivered shortly. Pietro is currently in the upper level of the living room playing a game. Would you like me to alert him before or after you have arrived?" I looked at Pepper who said, "After we have arranged his lesson."

Then at Natasha who said, "Definitely after, then cut off all exits to the room."

They both had smirks on their faces as I nodded then said, "Yes, after will do nicely. We need him to learn his lesson if you wouldn't mind assisting a little bit more." "It will be as you want it. I will begin cutting off his exits, before you get there if you don't mind, just to be sure, he does not evade this learning opportunity." Friday said. "That poor young man ain't got no chance with y'all, why are you two, not agents, the three of you plus Friday, have done more today than a whole passel of our agent boys have with years of work." said Deborah, in her soft country accent, before the elevator doors closed, as we exited into the living rooms lower level.

"Okay ladies, lets set up the 'trap' for speedy in the kitchen along with a bribe for Wanda," Natasha suggested, "since she is the only one who can keep him still." We entered into a spacious high-end restaurant like kitchen, that had the same modern design style as the living room. A baking station was over near the ovens, across from that, a large dining nook was beside the large two-tiered island counter top dividing the room up. The arched doorway, leading to the over sized semi-empty pantry, had open-ended shelving around it, on the opposite end of the room from the 'team sized' dining table. Around all of that there was a surplus of cabinetry that had both shelves and drawers while leaving space around the counter tops and shelving units around the dining nook

While the two of them finalized our plan for Pietro, I was working on figuring out what was on hand that I could possibly bribe Wanda with. After looking around at what I had to work with until I properly resupplied. (Okay, so in the fridge we have sandwich stuff, a few fresh vegetables, about eight plums, a packet of cream cheese, some chip dips, a small tub of butter and several take-out containers. In the cabinets I found plenty of coffee, coffee creamer, sugar, a couple boxes of graham crackers, several bags of chips, some sliced light-bread, tons of cereal mostly frosted flakes and every flavor of pop tarts out there.) I decided that I could either reheat the take-out or make some sandwiches with a small veggie platter and for a dessert I could make creamed plum crumbles. "Hey, do you think Bucky would mind, if I used his plums for something I'm going to make?" I asked the two of them hopefully.

"Well doll, if you make enough for me, to have some, then I won't mind. Just make sure that I have, at least one plum for a night-time snack." Bucky drawled from where he was leaning up against the doorway to the kitchen scaring us. "Holey cheesecake tins! How can a guy as big as you be so quiet?" I said. To which he responded with, "I just am." Then I remembered what he had asked me so I hurriedly said, "Of course there will be enough for you to have some. Is that the supplies for tonight's dinner, I see behind you? Oh, I have an idea, would you like to help us with something, in the meantime?"

"Yes it is, so what might you three need help with?" He said chuckling as he brought the box of ingredients into the kitchen. "Well, we already handled Tony's punishment with Friday's help, now it's Pietro's turn to receive his. Pepper and Natasha are handling the details, while I make a bribe, using some of your plums, for Wanda." I said, while putting the ingredients away, so that those that could spoil, wouldn't do so, before I could use them.

When I had almost every thing ready and had found out what they had come up with. I asked Friday to let the rest of the team know what was planned, excluding Pietro of course, and that I would like them to join us in the kitchen. (Goodness, Thor and Vision had the hardest time understanding what the idea was, until I said it was to be a joke, then it was easy to convince them to help with the plan!) After Friday let us know that the team was on its way, I brought the sandwiches and vegetable platters to the table along with some dips. The crumble bases had to cool before I could add the creamed plums to finish up Wanda's 'bribe'. "So, ladies and only gentleman currently here, I believe this is about to be the perfect time, to start the lesson do you agree?"

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