Chapter 4- The feudal story.

Start from the beginning

Noriko spoke up. "So,... who are all of you, and who is this.. Naraku? ,.. Actually, tell me what's going on."

Hotori nodded his head as well only to continue this strange conversation. "We do not mean to intrude however, I'm afraid all that is going at the moment is quite confusing for the both of us, so please do tell."

The king leaned back as his wounds were tender to the touch. Noriko sat up as he looked around the hut.

Shippo suddenly spoke up with a smile as he raised his hand beaming with excitement. "Ahh if I may."

The young fox kit rushed over to the large yellow backpack that rested into the corner and started pulling out all these foreign things. "Here we go." Until suddenly he grabbed a box of colors and papers, then rushed over the strangers.

"So..." He began to Draw explaining as he went. "To begin with..These two guys are known as Inuyasha and Miroku.." He drew a picture of both of them and turned it around like a story for both strangers to see.

"Miroku is a lecherous monk who flirts with women, Sango really gets jealous when he does, and at times he gets what he deserves."

Shippo now moved another paper in his direction before scribbling a detailed picture of Sango smacking miroku on the cheek with a red handprint placed upon his cheek.

"Inuyasha.. mmm well Oh he's another story, you see Inuyasha is a half demon with problems.. lots of problems." The fox demon suddenly gets smacked in the head. "OWW!"

"I Ain't the one with problems here pipsqueak, say it again I dare ya." Inuyasha looked at the fox demon irritated.

"Oww... Inuyasha why are you so mean to me, I'm telling kagome when she gets back."

"OH I dare you to even try." Inuyasha glared,

The fox demon growled as he pulled out a leaf. "FOX FIRE!"

Suddenly one of his large statues landed on him with a large THUD. Shippo sighed placing a talismen on the stone. "Now you can't move until Kagome get's back, serves you right." He went back to his drawing.

"As I was saying. "Inuyasha is a half demon, who doesn't like his human side very much, every new moon he loses his half demon powers and turns into a normal human." Shippo drew another picture of Inuyasha with his long black hair and the new moon and turned it around one more time for both to see.

"A long time ago, Inuyasha fell in love with a priestess, her name was Kikyo. That is until Naraku,a once known human that was transformed into A nasty spider demon became jealous and framed Inuyasha for stealing the Shikon jewel and pretended to be him will taking down Kikyo."

"It was at this point Kikyo grew angry and sealed Inuyasha to the sacred tree for years,he was pierced into the heart by and arrow while She slowly died herself, afterward, taking the shikon jewel with her to her death bed. " Shippo drew a picture of the Shikon jewel, Kikyo and inuyasha.

"Then along came Kagome, as she told me, Kagome came into this world with the shikon no tama embedded into her chest, As she was born with it that way, And Apparently legends say she's Kikyo's ancestor as well. "

"Upon her arrival, it seems Kagome's powers revived Inuyasha from the curse that was placed upon him so long ago. "

"You see, These two but heads a lot, however Kagome made the mistake of breaking the jewel shard by accident causing it to disperse into a million small shards."

"Now Inuyasha won't let poor Kagome go home, instead he forced her to come back from her world, to find these shards, since shes the only one who can sense them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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