Chapter 5: Beginnings End

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Hello again! been pretty busy but trying to keep it up!

I'm so sorry if this chapter drags but there is a twist at the end and the next chapter the story will really pick up! I hope you enjoy <3



Cesi's P.O.V.

For the next few day's Lauren and Liam were inseberable. I couldn't have a minute alone with either of them.  I kinda missed having just one, they were a ackage deal now and i couldn't change that I was happy. Wasnt that what we were trying to get them to be? 

"Hey Laur Wanna grab some lunch?"I turned around throwing the rubber gloves in the sink. 

"I Can't Gotta date with Liam." 

"Figured." I walked back to my room closing the door behind me. I was a little sadned that i never see lauren again but i was happy she was happy and besides I had Luke and Cam, but i didn't have Lauren or Liam...

"Hey Cesi, wanna go grab some food?" Luke was sitting on my bed my laptop open in his lap. 

"Yeah Sure wanna see if Cam and Beau can come also?" He nodded his head and i exited my room and he slid of my bed. "Hey Carmen Lunch?" 

She looked at Beau who nodded his head, "Yeah sure." They stood up their hands immediatly connecting. I walked to to door pulling my arms through my black jacket as Luke came up to join us placing his arm around my shoulders.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I hated saying no to Cesi but honestly I wanted to be with Liam more. 

"Hey ready to go?" Liam came and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me on the cheek.

"Yeah let's hit it." I said running to the door. 

Niall came running around the corner, "Hey Liam it's Paul." He handed Liam his cell phone and i perched myself on the kitchen counter.  waiting for him to be done.

finally he hung up the phone and ran into the boys room, then ran back. His expression seemed happy but he was sad underneath. "Let's go." He said taking my hand. I smiled ingoring the fact that he might be upset.

On our lunch date Liam and i sat side by side eating at a little cafe, "Hey look at that!" He'd point out the window and i'd look of course. and by the time id look back my food was gone.

 I laughed, "Liam I need to eat!" I took a bite of pasta out of his plate and he smacked my hand. 

"Hey! My food." Of course people were staring at us. Not only were we loud but Liam was famous and me well i was just me. a normal girl on a date with Liam Payne. Totally normal. 

I twirled in my chair, as Liam payed the check. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. I looked at his gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes, I loved being with him. He was so...perfect. So easy to talk to and to listen to. Being with him was easy, and not complicated. 

When I wasnt watching Liam's smile would fade and his face would take a sad expression, but it would snap aay the minute i looked at him. I was curious about what  was troubling but I dont think he would tell me so i just let it slide. 

"Liam are you sure your okay?" I finally asked him before we went inside. 

"It's nothing." He kisssed me on the cheek and opened the door. 

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