Chapter 2 - Venice

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I hear a soft knock on my door as I smooth back my hair once more.

"Ready, gorgeous?" The door cracks open slightly, and Donatella Versace peeks in.

"Oh. My God!" She squeals, swinging the door open widely. "Irina, you are absolutely stunning. I can't wait for them to see you!" Donatella rushes in, taking my hands in hers and squeezing tightly. She looks me up and down in awe and finally leans in to kiss my cheeks, careful not to leave any lipstick stains. 

"I'm so happy that I'm your date," she giggles in my ear, and I can't help but laugh along with her. She grabs my shoulders and gently turns me to face the full-length mirror.

"Thank you, Donatella." I whisper, as I trace my fingers over the sequins of my vintage Versace gown. It fits me perfectly, and the gold makes my blue eyes glow. I feel beautiful.

Before I know it, Donatella is grabbing my hand and pulling me along on the short walk from our dressing room to the red carpet. I check my phone quickly for any messages from Lea's babysitter or Bradley before tucking it away in my purse. The co-stars are the last to walk the red carpet tonight, so he shouldn't be arriving long after me.

We are greeted by a sea of tiny flashing lights, thousands of camera shutters clicking, and shrieking fans. I stand up straight, take a deep breath, and smile out at the crowd. Donatella laces her fingers with mine, and we slowly make our way down the red carpet together.

Suddenly the screaming becomes louder behind me, taking on a whole new energy. 

I hear his name: "Bradley! Bradley! Bradley!" They're chanting for him, and I turn around to see that a black car has pulled up to end of the carpet. He steps out, and warmth fills my body. He is gorgeous. His hair is neatly slicked back, and he dazzles in a sleek navy suit. His blue eyes are brighter than ever under the beaming lights as he looks up at the sky, smiling at the slight drizzle, and I laugh when I notice that his bow tie is crooked. He is utter perfection. Donatella squeezes my hand.

He turns back to the car and I see a flash of baby pink, as he reaches out his hand. The crowd falls silent. A curtain of light pink feathers tumbles out from the car as she steps out, her eyes never leaving his. Jaws dropped, cameras still, not a single soul has moved. Not even me.

She stands, almost bewildered, in an exquisite baby pink gown brought alive by soft feathers that dance in the light Venice breeze. Her shoulders are bare, glowing with moisture as the raindrops kiss her skin. Her hair is pulled away from her face, highlighting her sharp features, and her green eyes are piercing with only a touch of soft eyeliner. She is beyond beautiful. She captures every droplet of oxygen in the air, every ounce of attention, and every single pair of eyes. Including his. Finally, with one hand holding her tightly, he gestures to her as if to show the world what is his. Time resumes as the venue erupts with applause, cheers, and shutters clicking faster than ever before. My hands feel like lead blocks at my sides when I try to raise them to clap as well.

He bends down, switching hands so that he doesn't have to let go of her, and guides the remaining cloud of feathers out of the car before shutting the door carefully. She watches him, smiling gratefully as their eyes meet, and he gently tugs her toward the center of the carpet. They stop at their mark and he turns around swiftly to face her. He whispers something to her and she laughs, reaching up to straighten his bow tie and to smooth his jacket. My heart lurches into my throat. They are exquisite. He murmurs secrets into her ear, making her smile, and she visibly relaxes, leaning forward to blow a kiss to the eager crowd. He looks down at her in awe. Facing their first premiere together hand in hand, they are the most magnificent pair of costars the world has ever seen.

They head down the carpet towards us and he looks at me briefly, exhilaration floating in his eyes. A pink feather has landed on his shoulder, and my golden dress suddenly feels like paper. I feel naked and helpless, with absolutely nothing to say for myself.

"Irina!" I feel Donatella's hands on my arm. "We have to go inside now, come on!" I rip my eyes away from the magic unfolding on the red carpet and follow my bodyguard towards the venue. I turn around one last time, and I see her shaking her head at a woman offering her an umbrella. She tosses her head back and throws her arms up in the air to welcome the rain. The crowd goes absolutely wild.

"Bathroom," I barely manage, as I let go of Donatella and hurry into the building. I push the bathroom door open and rush inside, grabbing the sides of the sink to steady myself. I raise my head slowly to look in the mirror. Tears well in my eyes, threatening to spill over. The face I see is beautiful, but it isn't hers. I suddenly feel like an intruder in his world, and I don't know why I am here. He loves me. Was that not enough? My dress seems to have lost its sparkle, and so have I. My eyes are tired and my hair is aggravated by the rain. I close my eyes and force myself to breathe.

Ten minutes must have gone by when the door finally opens, and I look up to see a mass of pink feathers appear behind me in the mirror.

"Irina?" She asks gently.

**I hope you liked it! If you have any specific events you want me to write about, comment below! Thanks so much for reading xx**

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