(Okay come on, you must be very tired after stressing all of us out, now get some rest, I'm not going anywhere.)

The smile didn't leave Haris Malik's face as he nodded, he turned to face the ceiling before closing his eyes and succumbing to sleep.


Zaryab instructed Adeel to take his father home, for the both of them to get some sleep and that he would take care of the girls and his uncle. Ahmed Khan immediately protested, but Zaryab was persistent and promised his father he would call him once Haris Malik was to wake up.

After seeing his father and brother out, Zaryab closed the door of the room, his eyes travelling to far end where Ayla had curled up and fallen asleep on the hospital blue sofa.

His eyes then averted to Sherbano, who was still curled up on the arm chair, her eyes bloodshot yet wide open, fixtated on her father.

Zaryab sighed before making his way towards her, he didn't like seeing her like this.

Upon noticing his approaching figure, Sherbanos eyes nervously travelled to her fidgeting hands in her lap.

He sat on the ottoman before the arm chair and pulled her left hand into his own lap, entangled with his hand. His gaze travelled across her features, lingering at her downcast eyes, while his other hand reached up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

He wanted to stare at her all day, freeze time and just look at her for as long as physically possible. He hadn't seen her for so long, although Zaryab's mother had sent him pictures of his woman throughout the years, seeing her in person -all grown up, made him feel things he had never felt before.

The smooth plains of her forehead, the arch of her full brows, her long, curled lashes and doe-like light brown eyes, high cheek bones sitting atop the sunkissed slopes of her cheeks, the straight and symmetrical slant of her nose and the gold nose ring adorning it -that made her look all the more delicate, the curve of her plump lips -the luscious pools of pink.

It all could not be justified through pictures -her beauty was ethereal.

He broke out of his trance in her beauty and asked,

"Kuch Khaya hai?"

(Have you eaten?)

His voice was so soft, almost as soft as his touch

She shook her head in negative, not being able to lie to him.

His fingers hooked under her chin before tilting her head upwards, coaxing her eyes to meet his. When they finally did, he gave her a look of disapproval which morphed into a look of concern.

"I'm going to order you something to eat, and no running away, khud yahan beth kar khilaoonga aur Phir you're going to get some rest, understood?" He sternly said

(I'll sit here and feed you myself and then)

She looked at him, pouting as her eyes narrowed in reluctance as he gave her a stern look before repeating himself,


She pouted even more before she looked down again,


the word escaping her as a mere whisper that he wouldn't have heard if it wasn't for the silence in the room.

Zaryab stalked towards the intercom and ordered a hefty meal for Sherbano.

'she looks so weak'

'Nobody has been taking care of her well since I left'

'Well, now that I'm back I'll make sure she's taken care of'

Sherbano Where stories live. Discover now