Destiny is a play*Updated*

Start from the beginning

So,the result is here,Kushi & Arnav got married after a month of Arushi's death.And now she is in Arnav's now their Room which is decorated with Rose petals for their first night & this made the situation more Awkward for Kushi.Previous Arshi were happy & Content to Somewhat but this Arshi? Can't say about them.

Kushi is waiting for her husband cum ex brother-in-law waiting for the answers from Arnav as of why he did & What he did for?Kushi knows that Arnav was never void of her feelings towards him.Why did he agreed to marry her for his baby knowing that She loves him?Is he thought of her as a girl looking for a chance to Snatch someone's love & place?Can she force him to love her now when he was deeply in love her Sister Arushi?Is it Very much easy to forget his/her love?No.A big No.Because she couldn't able to forget her love,Arnav even after these years.If she would be in Arnav's place & something happened to her Arnav,she wouldn't & Couldn't able to marry any other person even she would have a one month old baby.It is not easy for her to give her love away,give Arnav's place to someone so easily.She Can't do that.She just Can't do that.Now,with Arnav's Decision of marrying her,she thought she could hate him & still she is trying very hard to hate him but poor her heart is not ready to listen to anything.She couldn't able to hate him or loathe him.She is now angry at everyone,her family,Arnav's family & Arnav & even She is angry at herself.It's her weakness to marry him,she just couldn't leave a baby of a month old and somewhere she wanted to marry Arnav and she just hates herself for this weakness of her's.She just hates everyone & herself.

Her thoughts got broken when Arnav Came inside the Room & his eyes stopped at his newly wedded second wife who is standing in his bedroom in front of him.He looked at her Hazel eyes which are filled with pain & agony & lots of Doubts & Questions in them.He averted his eyes not able to bear the intensity of feelings in her eyes. Again his eyes went towards his, a month old baby girl & his eyes twinkled in happiness & joy looking at his baby sleeping peacefully unlike him which he is doing from past one year after his marriage with Arushi.

Kushi looked at him and thought to ask him about everything.So,Moving towards him,she turned him by his shoulders towards her & asked him which she wanted to ask him badly from the time he agreed to marry her.

"Mr.Raizada,Why did you marry me?You have a better idea of my feelings towards you?So,why did you marry me,Mr.Raizada?Why did you give your wife's place to ME & not anyone?Why?Even after knowing about my feelings,Why did you do this?Do you want to Kill me by doing a favor of marrying me,Just because I love you & You don't love me?Why?Or Do I look like a girl who is ready to take a chance of snatching Someone's place & Someone's love?Do you think of me like that?Why did you do this when you know about MY FEELINGS & You love ARUSHI?Did you want to kill me by making me looking at you when you would be remembering your wife & your moments with her or the baby who is the love symbol of your love?Huh?Why did you this?WHY?You Should have killed me instead of marrying me-" Kushi who was shaking Arnav by the time,crying heavily was cut off by Arnav's loud,clear & next set of words which made her shocked to the Core.

"Because I LOVE YOU DAMMIT" Arnav's Scream reached Kushi's ear drums & She froze at her place.


Did she hear that right?

Yeah,She just went for a checkup few days back.Everything was normal.
She did have none issues regarding her health,physically & mentally.

So,yeah.She heard it right.

Is he mocking me?But it doesn't look like.If he loves me why would he marry Arushi by eloping?Why would he ignore her feelings towards him?
She couldn't hold her curiosity & thus,she put forth her query.

"Are you mocking me?If So,I am in no mood for it-" and before she can say more & move away  Arnav  blocked her.

"Am I looking like a joker to you to mock around?I am damn Serious Kushi.I married you because I love you.You know nothing Kushi.You know nothing about the truth.But I don't blame you because You did saw which was in front of you & Shown to you.But don't you dare say My love for you is a mock.I am warning you."Said Arnav and before Kushi can react,he thought to clear the air between them.

" I married Arushi because I don't have a choice at that time.She was pregnant not with my child but with Advay's child.Advay & Arushi were in relationship and Only I know about it and Advay died ,but after his death Arushi was in depression & she was even more depressed after she got to know about her pregnancy.I don't have any choice when she asked me to marry her afraid of the Society.I tried to make her understand but She was too much Afraid of Society & her family & adding to it,her pregnancy,death of her love took a toll on her & she was depressed,She requested me & I couldn't say no to her after looking at her situation & the promise I made to Advay to take care of Arushi when he was in death bed,I was bounded to take care of her which can done only by marrying her.I was living in hell Kushi by marrying another woman when I have my woman waiting for me.What did you thought?I wasn't affected by your presence?I wasn't affected by your pain?I damn noticed everything kushi but I couldn't do anything.please forgive me & give us a chance.I know you love me & I love you too.please."Arnav ended up crying cupping her cheeks revealing everything.

"What if Arushi wasn't dead ? You are taking a chance you got here?Doesn't it make our love,a low feeling?" Said kushi.

"Never say that kushi.Our love is not a low feeling but a great & strong feeling that's why we got a chance here by destiny to make our love complete.I couldn't able to save Arushi & now she is with her Advay.Destiny.That doesn't mean I am taking advantage of the situation or something like that kushi,I am feeling really bad for Arushi because she was my friend ,my brother's love,My SIL.But it's just destiny that wanted to unite two love couples.See,now Destiny made two Arshi's.One is in heaven happy with each other & other is WE,Arshi with their beautiful Daughter.Just let grab this chance granted to us by destiny kushi.Arshi(Advay & Arushi) would be happy looking at us giving our love a chance & make it complete."Said Arnav keeping his forehead on her's .Both their eyes are wet with tears of pain,agony & at last happiness.

They both lived happily ever after with their baby,Arshi and many more babies to come on board.

This is the story of the two couples, Arshi.

The End

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I drafted it a long back & I forgot to publish it.Crazy Right?Isn't it?But You have to believe it.

I am having an interesting plot roaming around my head & when I opened to draft it today,I looked at this shot not being published.So,published it now.I'll be giving another shot after 3 days.

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