chapter 2

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( in this book jace doesn't have tattoos but that is what his eyes look like...without the blood of course, it's just an added edit💗)

Rieles POV

"are you an alien?" i asked

cmon rie, seriously? i sound so dumb.

"a-azakis...."he mumbled i instantly look at him "what was that?" i asked

"i'm an Azakis Alien. we exist look it up...a-a lot of people believe we are real and more people don't." he said his radio like voice still scares me.

i nodded "uh okayyy..."

i wonder if it says why there eyes change color..

"it does."

"um excuse me?" i jumped and looked back

he did not just read my mind.

"the website says everything about us. and yes i did. it's apart of Azakis Aliens abilities. "

by now i was kind of interested and less scared.

"are you dangerous?" i asked and he looked up at me.

his eyes turned into a light pink

what tf that mean??!

"no. no of course not. i came here because i know you Riele...your my soulmate."


"s-say what now?"


i arrived home with a scared Alien jace behind me. he walked in and somehow instantly felt calmer. he sat on the floor and purred while rubbing his head on my leg

like a damn cat. um yeah that's normal.

"uh okaaayy..." i said waking away awkwardly and heading too my computer

i sat down and unlocked it and went straight too google and searched up azakis aliens

"click the first one that pops up..." jace said sitting next too me.

but he wasn't sitting on anything

he was fucking floating

floating i tell you!

"um yeah that's normal.." i chuckled awkwardly and clicked the first link that popped up

Azakis Aliens

One of the most harmless Aliens. most people don't know or believe they exist. but they do.

they cry black tears, and eyes turn different colors for different moods

purple- feelings are hurt
black- scared
blue- confused
white- inlove or likes someone
they're regular eye color is for disguise when meeting humans.

alien | jaele |Where stories live. Discover now