Reason No. 1: Pessimistic

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Hello! I'm sure you know the "x reader" lingo, so I won't bother writing that. Let's be real, how many fanfics have you read that tell you the basics as though you're a noob? The only time I'll do that is if I introduce a new one for that chapter. (e.g. F/D = Favorite Drink). If you didn't catch it in the summary/description, the kiddos are 16. Guess the parents kept sending their kids back for a few years. Anyway, onto the story!


"Are you sure you can handle yourself?" your mother asked you, gripping your hands tight. The two of you stood together on the front porch, waiting for the bus to arrive.

You made eye contact with your mother and brush a loose strand of hair away from her face. "Yes, I'll be fine. Promise," you chuckled out.

Your mother gave a tight-lipped grin before letting go. "Do you have everything? I know you always tend to forget at least one thing."

She did have a point. You always forgot something, whether it was your homework or your archaic flip phone.

"I'll check," you said, shrugging your backpack off. As soon as your worn out bag made contact with the old wooden porch, a yellow school bus came to a screeching halt in the streets. "Guess I'll have to check when I get there," you said.

Your mother cupped your face and stretched her toes as she met your height and gave you a light peck on the forehead. "Goodbye, Sweetie."

"Bye, I love you," you said, making your way to the bus.

"Love you too!" your mother hollered, waving wildly. You waved back as you refocused yourself to make sure you didn't trip and eat shit.

The bus door pushed open, revealing the grey-haired and disgruntled driver. He didn't seem too happy, or too sad, or too anything really. His face was hard to read. He didn't look like the type to respond if you said hello, so you kept your mouth shut and picked a seat to sit on.

As soon as you took your seat, the bus door swung closed and the vehicle rattled as it was brought back to life. Without another moment of delay, the bus began to move. The old, dilapidated shack you called home slowly faded out of your sights. Would you miss your mother? Of course! However, you were pumped at the fact that you were able to go to a summer camp!

But what if the camp wasn't all you thought it would be? No, that's impossible. You were poor, any camp could impress you. It would take a lot to make you disappointed at a camp.

~time skip brought to you by the Quartermaster~


Your eyes snapped open as your body jolted to the back of the seat in front of you. You shook your head, still in a daze. The drive was quite long, no thanks to the traffic, so you decided to take a nap.

Looking around, all you saw were trees, lots of trees, and a group of teenagers. This was a great opportunity to make some more friends! Well, friends in general. You never had any friends. You never believed the cliche high school movies where people constantly bullied others over stupid things like social economic standing, and yet that was you when you first entered high school. The past couple of years were rough, but you were determined to pull through.

With a confident inhale, you grabbed your only bag and walked down the skinny walkway of the bus. As you approached the steps, the bus doors opened, revealing the camp in its true colors.

"New kid is here." It was the first time you heard the bus driver talk.

An optimistic, auburn-haired adult who appeared to be one of the camp counselors grinned widely. "Thank you, Quartermaster!"

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