7- Bigger Than His

Start from the beginning

The four of us head back to the car, "He's scared" Nat says to us.
"He's not wrong" Steve says.
"Yeah, but I mean, what are we gonna do? We need him. What, are we gonna stop?" Scott says to us.

"No, we want to do this right. We just might need a bigger brain" I smile at Steve and Nat, and they know exactly who I'm talking about.
"Bigger than his" Scott points back at Tony's house.
"Just by a bit" I smile, "Nat, you wanna give him a call" I ask her.

"Yeah I can" She says, as they get into the car.
"Hey, you doing okay?" Steve asks me as I get into the passenger seat.
"Yeah, just a lot on my mind right now, with what Scott told us, and the dreams are back" I suddenly tell him.

"How long have they been back for?" he asks me.
"Uhh, about  a few months, they were off and on, and for the last few weeks they have been more intense" I tell him.
"Cassandra why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he drives us away from the lake house.
"Because Steve, it wasn't something I wanted to burden you with" I tell him.

"Cassandra, you should be able to tell me anything" he says.
"I know Steve, I just want things to be normal, and having these back aren't normal" I say to him.
"Bruce will meet us at the usual place" Nat then informs us, as Steve heads into the city.

Steve pulls up to the diner, and the four of us step out, heading inside we take a seat at a booth as we wait for Bruce to show up.
"Hey you guys are here a day early, Bruce going to be joining you?" we hear Ashley our usual waitress ask.
"Yeah, Bruce is suppose to be coming shortly. We had to met him, our friend Scott is back and had to see him."I tell her.

"Should I get the usual ready then?" she asks us.
"Yeah, you might want to, and tell Joe to make my usual with extra hash browns. And two eggs" I tell her.
"You got it. You all want anything?" she asks them.
"Coffee" they all say to her.
"I'll be back" she smiles as she walks away.
"You're hungry?" Scott says to me.
"Yeah, only had a Pb & J sandwich earlier" I say to him.
"You sure you're okay?" Steve then asks me.

"Uh, yeah just really hungry" I tell him, earning a look from Natasha. It doesn't take long for us to hear the familiar booming voice of our friend as he enters the diner, everyone greeting him. He makes his way over to our table, I stand up and hug our big green friend, "Bruce, it's good to see you" I say to him.

"Cassie, it's awesome seeing you" he says back to me, as I pull away and sit back down beside Steve.
"Nat, Steve" he says to them, before he sees Scott seated in the corner of the booth, his mouth wide open.
"Scott..Scott" I say to him.
"Uh, yeah, it's just wow" he says. Bruce takes his personal chair out and sets it up at the end of the table.
"Scott, you go ahead and explain to Bruce everything" I say to him, as he's still gaping at Bruce.

"Uh, yeah" Scott says as he starts to tell Bruce what he has been repeating all day. As he does this Ashley brings out Bruce's usual plate mounted with different food. She then comes back with mine, as I start eating , along with Bruce.

"Come on, I feel like Cassie and I are the only ones eating" he pushes one of his plates toward Scott. "Try some of that. Have some eggs"
"They're really good" I add as I eat some more of mine.
"I'm so confused" Scott then says looking at Bruce, trying to fully understand how Bruce was now also the Hulk.

"These are confusing times" Bruce tells him.
"Right. No, no, that's not what I meant" Scott tells him.
"No, I get it" Bruce says and he's going into his usual distracted self. "I'm kidding I know its crazy. I'm wearing shirts now" he says.
"Yeah! How? Why?"  Scott says.
"Five years ago, we got our asses beat. Except it was worse for me. Because I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, and then Banner lost. Then, we all lost" Bruce says.
"No one blamed you Bruce" Nat says to him.

Coming Back To You (5)Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now