Part 4

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No one's pov

It was quiet on the walk to the train station. No one dare speak a word about what just happened. They couldn't tell how Lucy would feel about it. But when they got on the train Midnight decided to ask anyways. He asked "What was that at the guild, I thought that they treated everyone like family?" At this Lucy looks at him and says "It's been like that for awhile. It started not to long after the Grand Magic Games. At first they just ignored me and I was honestly fine with it because I had more time for me to train. But then they started calling me names. It doesn't bother me that much because 1) I don't care anymore and 2) they don't know my real powers. I am a Celestial Key mage but I'm also a Celestial Wolf Slayer." With that explanation everyone goes quiet and Angel and Racer go to sleep. While Cobra stares at Lucy who is looing out the train window. And Hoteye and Midnight are reading books. 

3hours later

They get to Dawn Star and talk to the mayor about the job.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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