Chapter 5: Beginning of a Journey

Start from the beginning


  Too excited to sleep, Aurelio spent the night honing his magic. Time past and morning came quickly. When Ian came down the stairs and into the barracks, Aurelio informed him of the situation and so Ian began gathering his things. Aurelio, who had gathered a bag of his own, places his tome inside and heads back into the hallway. He steps into Callista's chamber, loudly tripping over a pile of clothes in the process. To his surprise, Callista was awake, laying over the corner of her bed with a book in hand. She looks down at Aurelio with a smile.

  "It's rather early for you to be up Aurelio." She chuckles.
  "Yeah yeah," Aurelio grumbles and stands up. He noticed that the book Callista was reading was written in a rather strange language. "Wait a minute, you're reading a book?"
  "I've got hobbies too ya know."
  "Apparently, how long have you had that? I've had some trouble with that language myself, and here you are reading it like it's nothing."
  "All that sulking I did the other day gave me plenty of time." Callista sighs. "What'd you come in here for anyway?"
  "To tell you to pack your things." Aurelio replies bluntly. "We're heading to Rexeus."
  "Rexeus? That's the place on the invitation yeah?"
  "And didn't Father forbid us from traveling anywhere?"
  "Mm-hm." Aurelio scoffs. "But who cares what Father says? We know what we're doing, it's not like we're gonna get hurt out there..."
  Callista smiles. "We're not heading to Rexeus, are we?"
  "No, we are, but I figured we could, I dunno, head out to Vibestia on the way..." Aurelio says with a bit of an awkward chuckle. "So grab your axe and c'mon. Ian and the others are waiting on us."

  Callista hops out of her bed and begins to haphazardly gather her clothes and other belongings. Aurelio steps out of the chamber and heads towards the large stairs that down towards the main lobby of the castle. Ian, Maude, Alda, and Galatea were all there waiting for him. Aurelio looks at Galatea and smiles. She shyly smiles back.

  "What's taking so long?" Alda asks impatiently. "You're the one who wanted to head out at the crack of dawn, and yet here you are lagging behind."
  "It's Callista." Aurelio smiles. "She always takes forever to get ready."
  "I do not!" Callista says, suddenly appearing behind Aurelio with a bag at her side. She thumps him on the head. "Where are we going first?"
  "To Rexeus I guess." Maude says. "It'd be rude of us to keep King Casey waiting. I just hope we don't have to stay there for too long..."

  The group makes there way down the stairs and into the main lobby. Much to Aurelio and Callista's dismay however was Adalia, who was also in the lobby. She looks over at the group and smiles.

  "And where are you all off to this morning?" Adalia asks.
  "I'm afraid we're heading back to Vibestia Your Highness." Maude says. "We thank you kindly for the hospitality you've provided us and we wish we could stay just a bit longer, but given the circumstances we really must be leaving."
  "I understand, but are all of you going?" She looks at Aurelio and Callista. "It'll sure feel empty without you all around..."
  "Y-You're not going to tell Father, are you?" Aurelio nervously asks. "You have to understand, these three need my help, and it's my duty as-"
  "I understand Aurelio." She smiles. "But you have to understand, your father is only being so hard on you because he cares."
  "If you ask me, he's been caring a bit too much..."
  "He just doesn't want to see you hurt. I don't either, so you two be careful alright?"
  "You have my word Your Highness, the enemies won't lay a finger on Lord Aurelio or Lady Callista so long as I'm around." Ian says with a bow.
  "Thank you Ian." Adalia smiles. "You two promise too, right?"
  "We promise..." Aurelio and Callista say.
  "Good," Adalia says, pulling the two close in a tight hug. "Because if you two break your word, your father and I will be far scarier than any enemy you'll ever face." She hugs Aurelio and Callista tighter before kissing them on the forehead.
  "Mother, you're embarrassing us..." Aurelio whines, his words lost in Adalia's embrace.

  Adalia lets the two go and they open the doors to the castle, stepping across the drawbridge and out towards the gates of the capital with the group.

  "What a doting mother." Maude smiles.
  "If by doting you mean smothering, then yes, I agree." Aurelio scoffs.
  "All mothers are that way Aurelio, they just want what's best for their children."
  "I suppose, I just wish she had a gentler way of showing it..."

  Aurelio sighs as the group reaches the large marble gates surrounding the capital city. Aurelio steps over towards the central gatehouse and begins to rattle the large iron grates, causing quite a racket.

  "Hey, what's going on down there?!" A scrawny man who with graying hair looks down at the group from over the edge of the gatehouse watchtower. He appeared to be in his late fifties or early sixties, and his patience had left him, if he had any to begin with.
  "Lars, open the gate and let us past!" Aurelio shouts back.
  "You don't have to yell! I may be old, but I'm not deaf!" Lars grumbles. "Whaddya want anyway squirt? You're not about to go on some hair-brained quest like your father did when he was your age, are you?"
  "Not entirely," Aurelio chuckles. "We also have some business with the Rexians that needs attending to."
  "Is that right?" Lars sighs. "My job as gate man is to keep the gate shut and yet here you all are..."

  Lars mumbles to himself as he turns a crank from his post, raising the grates. Aurelio smiles as the group steps through the gate, exiting the capital city.

  "S-So, where do we begin?" Galatea asks.
  "Well, for the time being, we'll be leaving the map to Alda." Maude sighs. "She's the only one who knows how to get to Rexeus after all."
  "That's right." Alda smiles. "And we've got a long way to go, so c'mon."

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