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Y/N's pov

Anna, Chibi-Zorah, and I are on a dust plane on our way to Beacon "Man I can't wait Y/N do you think there will be new food here" says Anna as her eyes sparkle and she squashed Chibi-Zorah in a hug

"Hmm, mabye" I say as I here a loud voice from the other side of the dust plane

"Renny do you think there will be better pancakes here" says a ginger haired girl as her eyes....sparkled and she hugged a....sloth plushie

"Hmm, Probably" says 'Renny' as he looks my direction and our eyes meet only one thing goes threw our heads

'I feel your pain' we then nodded at each other before the dust plane lands and we go our different ways

as Anna, Zorah, and I walk we all hear an explosion, then run to it when we make it we see a woman in white shouting at Ruby "hey what the hell are you yelling at my friend for"  I say with a scowl as I walk over

"well if you must know I-" she says before she gets a good look at me "what" she says as she squints her eyes "you have more then one trait" she said as I raise an eyebrow "and your a dragon faunus"

"thanks for pointing out the Obvious, Ice Queen" I say as Anna and Zorah checked on Ruby

"heiress actually" says as girl with a black bow

"so Ice princess instead got it" I say as the brat in white gets even more angery

"MY name is Weiss Schnee" she says as she stomps her foot while trying to look intimidating

"yeah I don't care" I say flipping her the bird "get out of here before YOU cause another explosion" I say as she looks offended

"W-what, I DID NOT CAUSE THIS" she says gesturing to the crater in the ground

"actually you did Crater Face" says a boy with blond hair "I was watching the whole thing, YOU where shaking an partially opened vial of FIRE dust in her face" he says as I get a good look at the boy, he was wearing golden and white gauntlets with a greatsword on his back and a smaller sword with a sheath on his back "Oh and just in case you need to know who called you out my name is Jaune, Jaune Arc" he says with a smirk

(That's right I made Jaune strong, cool, and your friendly rival in this book because I think that he has been the universes punching bag for to long)

"why I never"

"had a chance to get daddy's attention" I say cutting her off as I give Jaune a high five with a smirk hearing a giggle from Ruby, Anna, and the girl in the black all the while Zorah smirked 

"I don't have time for this" she said as she left with a huff

"she didn't deny it" I say as everyone, with the exception of the girl in black who just giggled some more, laugh their asses off

"well while we're all here, want to go to the auditorium together" Jaune says as we all nod and start walking together

"Sooo, I got this thing" says Ruby as she brings out a her Scythe

"let me guess it's also a gun" says Jaune with a smirk as Ruby goes slack jawed

"how did you know" she says as I give her a deadpanned stare

"Ruby we can all see the scope"  I say pointing at the scope as she blushed and looked down

"oh.........well anyway what do you guys have" she asked and before we can answer we noticed they were at the door of the auditorium

"well I'm gonna go fined a quiet place that I can read at" says the girl in black but before she can walk off

"wait whats your name" says Ruby as the girl in black turns to her

"Blake" she says as she turns back around and walks away

" well if you'll exuse me I got a red haired cutie I want to take a chance with" Jaune says as he walks toward a girl with red hair and green eyes in bronze armor

"well I need to meet up with my sister" Ruby says running to a girl with blond hair I then spread my wings grab Anna and Zorah and fly up to the rafters and sit down

"Y/N why are we up here" Anna asked as I put my head on one of the metal pillars connected to the rafters

"oh nothing I just feel like Ozpin is going to talk about some bullshit that I don't get" I say as I close my eyes 'ok something is wrong with me I've never been this talkative' I think before I noticed that Anna was trying to get my attention "yeah what is it Anna" I ask as I look her in the eyes 

"I said Ozpin just finished his speech and Ms.Goodwitch  told us we're sleeping in the ballroom" Anns says as I sigh and pick her up then fly down, when we land we started walking toward the ballroom

Time skip

Anna pov

I was trying to find a spot for me, Zorah, and Y/N when I saw Ruby, Blake, and Ruby's sister all talking by the wall, then with Zorah in hand I run over to them "Hey guys" I said when I got close enough

"hey Anna" Ruby said with cheer as I walked over to them

"Hi Ruby and you must be Ruby's sister" I say lifting my hand for a hand shake which she returns

"Nice to meet you my names Yang" she says as she stares at the Chibi-Zorah in my hands "what is that" Yang asked as Zorah looks offended

"This is Zorah he's apart of my friend Y/N's Semblance" I say as she looks confused

"Then why is it still here" She asked before Zorah growled

"I AM NOT AN IT I'M A HE BITCH" he shouts before he jumps out of my hands and bit her head

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" Yang yelled before she tried to get Zorah off her head

"I wasn't aware he could talk" Blake says as Ruby nods, While I look in surprise 

'how can everyone understand him now' I think before a note appears in my hand and it read :"I made it so anyone can understand the monsters just so it was easier on Y/N"-K 'huh, convenient'

"ZORAH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I heard Y/N yell before I turn to see Y/N, Jaune, and a Red haired girl run over Y/N standing taller then Jaune at 6'7 without a shirt

'brain is malfunction' and by the looks of it I wasn't the only one

with Yang

'DAmn~" she thinks as she stops trying to get Zorah off her head and just stares at Y/N's well built body 

with Ruby

'REDACTED' that's right her thoughts are censored by her mind to

With Blake

'.......' she passed out with a bloody nose 

Y/N pov

I run over to Ruby's sister and grab Zorah by the scruff of his neck making him let go "what have we talked about" I said as he lowers his head in shame "do you know what this means" I say as he starts to look scared "that is right" I say as I pull a spray bottle out of my shorts pocket and start to spry him with water "Bad Zorah, Bad" I say as he hissed like a cat before I turn to Ruby's sister "sorry about him he's normally so docile"

"N-No problem it was my fault" She said as I smile at her before turning to my friends 

"hey guys I say as they just stare at my chest 'oh that's why there being so quiet' I think before smirking "ladies eyes are up here"  I say pointing at my face as they all turn red "well come on Anna" I say as I walk over to Anna and start dragging her away 'well this is complicated Anna's feelings I understand but why do all of them like me I mean we've only known each other for a day' I worry as I find a spot for me and Anna to sleep 'whatever its future me's problem now' I think as Anna, Zorah, and I go to bed

word count:1359

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