Naughty Boi

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(Viewer discretion advised. No sexual content or anything, just life struggles. Death/Drinking/Drugs. Nothing to bad though)

"Oh, look at that. That's a sight to see." Barry exclaimed, sitting down in the Knockshot Bar looking at a girl dance.

"Your dad wouldn't like it if he knew you were drinking." Mikey said, putting his hand on Barry's shoulder. Barry didn't look away from the beautiful sight of the woman. Mikey moved into his point of view.
"Dude, you have a girlfriend. Stop taking peeks." He waved his hand in front of Barry's eyes to get his attention.

"Sorry, man. She hasn't been around lately." He leaned back in his chair and forced himself to look at Mikey. Mikey rolled his eyes.

"You just love girls to much. Maybe focus on something more important like maybe your dad?" Mikey exclaimed taking a sip of his beer. Barry looked at him dead in the eyes.

"I'm 23 it's not like he needs me around the house." Barry looked for the girl again but she was gone. He sighed.

"Barr, he needs his son. You haven't seen him in weeks. Also, he likes drinking, and maybe you should be there to watch him." Mikey tried to say the truth carefully to him. Barry hated talking about his father, especially when it was about his drinking problems. Barry stood up suddenly, and looked at Mikey firmly.

"We do not talk about my father, and his stupid problems. Now excuse me, I have things to do." Barry left Mikey and walked over to the bartender. She was a beautiful girl, red hair curled and short. He leaned over the bar counter to face her directly.

"Hello..." he searched for her nametag, "Wendy." He smiled at her and it made her smile.

"Hmm, yes. Hello, what do you need?" Wendy said, cleaning the counter where people had spilled their beer.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." Barry gave her a smirk and put his hand under his chin. Wendy turned around to place her washcloth down and faced him. She chuckled a little bit.

"You'd be surprised at how many people have said that. But it won't work on me." She took off her apron.

"Tell me what will work then." He sat up on the stool. Wendy folded her apron and put it on the counter. She leaned her elbows down on the counter.

"Nothing." She looked serious. So Barry smiled at her to lighten the mood.

"Okay, well let me buy you a drink." He took out some cash from his pocket and set it on the table.

"I'm a bartender, I have my fair share of drinks in here." Wendy smiled at him. "Thank you for the offer though." She grabbed her bag.

"Woah, wait! are you leaving?" Barry said confused. Wendy pointed to his watch on his arm.

"11:00 PM, of course I'm leaving." Wendy came out from the bar counter and grabbed her coat.

"Let me at least walk you to your car." Barry said standing up from the stool.

"Okay," Wendy smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Okay." Barry repeated. Barry rushed to open the door for her. Mikey laid back in his chair. He witnessed all of it, but didn't want to get in his best friend's way. He rolled his eyes as he watched them walk to her car. Barry must've said something smart, because he got in the car with the gorgeous bartender. Before Mikey knew it, he was in a bar alone, ditched by his best friend for a girl he barely knew.


Pinto looked up at Jerg and sniffed.
"His father's a drunk?" Pinto looked sad. He couldn't help but put himself in Barry's situation. Jerg looks at him and nodded slowly. Orqueal sat there thinking hard.

"We will use him, and that Iris girl. Watch them closely. Report to me when you have more information." Orqueal stood up and began to walk out of the room. Pinto ran to follow him, he gave Jerg a little wave goodbye. Jerg waved back, and began searching for information about their suspects.

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